Richard Cassaro | Remember the Mystery | Freeman TV | Apr. 1, 2017


Could Freemasonry hold the secret to society's happiness. How has it been distorted to serve an elite cabal? A lost Universal Religion was practiced globally in antiquity. Its remains are memorialized in pyramids and temple architecture worldwide. Its wisdom is still visible in ancient ruins, and has been perpetuated in Western Secret Societies.

The most visible of these is the Masonic Fraternity, an age-old chivalric Order whose members have included the American President George Washington, French Philosopher Voltaire, and the German Composer Mozart. Fearing their secret might one future day be forgotten, the Freemasons of ages past—who were the builders of Europe’s and America’s churches, castles and cathedrals—wisely encoded its wisdom into the architecture of their constructions, where it remains concealed today.

By matching cathedral architecture with ancient temple design, Richard Cassaro shows the universality of the Universal Religion, which is the root wisdom of the Masonic Fraternity and the perpetuation of a life-changing ancient science.

Newsbud | Countering Police State USA: Launching Battlefield America | Mar. 31, 2017

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

Show Notes:
Newsbud Members Exclusive Update: Vietnam Report, New Weekly Productions & More! Battlefield America: The War on the American People
Mind Hack with Jeff DeRiso

Philip Cheuk | UFOs in China | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | Mar. 29, 2017


Note: All of the images and video discussed during the show are in this, for those who are regulars and know that we NEVER do this...we did it this time. So, pay can actually watch something for a change...very cool.

Cheuk Fei (Philip F.Cheuk) is an artist, film-maker, lecturer, writer & program host in Hong Kong, China. He had his first UFO sighting when he was 13. Fei has worked as a senior art director & creative director in international advertising agency & marketing companies in China.

In 2008 he began hosting an internet radio program before starting his own internet radio station in 2010 covering UFOs and the unexplained.

He becomes well known when he appeared frequently as the guest on local TV & cable TV stations.

Fei is very devoted to the study of extraterrestrials and UFO phenomenon since his first sighting, and very active in local ufology field.

He hosted the lecture of “Fire in the Sky” with Travis Walton in 2015, he also follows UFO cases and studies alien abduction/contact cases in Hong Kong, Macau, and China.

Fei was considered himself being protected by “Someone from Above” as he survived/escaped a few serious incidents. He studied remote viewing from two former US army instructors (Dr. Dominic Surel & Dr. Angela T. Smith). He also studies spiritual subjects, practiced iaido (Japanese Swordsmanship), meditation and Zen.

Interview Start 31:50 min.

Newsbud | CIA-NATO to Eliminate Turkish President Prior to April Referendum | Mar. 30, 2017

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

According to Newsbud’s inside sources another assassination attempt on Turkish President Erdogan is being planned by the CIA-NATO prior to the referendum on April 16, 2017.

This is a special edition in both Turkish and English with a few highlights of the coming Newsbud Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds, Prof. William Engdahl and Professor Filip Kovacevic, on the coming referendum in Turkey and drastic measures being planned by the Deep State to prevent it.

Preston Dennett | Inside UFOs: True Accounts of Contact with Extraterrestrials | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


The aliens have arrived! While most UFO discussions are re-hashes of old cases, this interview presents the cutting edge of UFO research with several all-new original cases of extensive contact. A wide variety of ETs are presented, including various types of grays, Praying Mantis-type ETs, humanoids and Nordics. The witnesses are normal everyday people who suddenly find themselves in very unusual situations. The unique and unusual nature of the cases will surprise even those well-versed in the UFO literature.

- A Navy Corpsman is invited aboard a UFO by his shipmate, only to meet fifteen-foot tall friendly Praying Mantis-type ETs.

- A young child experiences an encounter with Nordic ETs that marks a lifelong series of contacts.

- A paperboy encounters a UFO and missing time, leaving him with an undiagnosed illness and a mystery that remained unsolved for years.

- An office-worker is confronted by a nine-foot-tall praying mantis, only to discover that she's also having contact with gray-type ETs too. - a teacher stops on the road when a huge metallic sphere drops from the sky, and out steps a handsome-looking spaceman.

- A new mother is shocked to see an alien right outside her window, staring intently at her newborn son. - a desperately ill housewife is transported from her home into an unknown base and cured by an eight-foot tall orange-haired humanoid.

- A young farm-boy encounters UFOs on his family's farm, beginning a very close and lifelong relationship with ETs.

- A Navy Electronics Specialist has a complex UFO encounter aboard a Navy Ship, and is taught by the ETs about alternative energy sources. - A nursing assistant experiences a life-long series of missing time incidents culminating in a fully conscious encounter with gray-type ETs who attempt to answer all his questions Why are the aliens here? What is their agenda on our planet? Are they hostile or benevolent? This collection of true UFO stories shows how fascinating and bizarre extraterrestrial contact can be.

Clif High | Clif's Wujo | Mar. 30, 2017


Brief markets flow, then more discussion on advertising problems on social media. This is a huge, giant change going on within the social media moneyspace that is going to forever change the nature of our interactions with these platforms. Fortunes are being lost each day! Business plans for years are being flushed down the drain every minute! Giant changes right in front of our faces!

New World Next Week | SHOCK! Russian Hacking Story is Unraveling! | Mar. 30, 2017


Story #1: Trump’s Swamp Lets ISPs Sell Your Browsing History
House Rep. Pushing To Set Back Online Privacy Rakes In Industry Funds
VPN Searches Soar As Congress Votes To Repeal Broadband Privacy Rules

Story #2: CrowdStrike Revises, Retracts Parts of Explosive Russian Hacking Report
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties to Hillary, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Story #3: Want Liberty? Build Your Own Floating Free City
American Farmers Hacking Tractors With Ukrainian Firmware

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Mar. 30, 2017


Remember those North Korean missile tests over Japan just a few days ago? Good... but you may not have heard about Japan's response. It was short, and to the point...

Jordan Maxwell | "Christianity is not what people think it is" | Mar. 28, 2017


Truth Be Told is joined by Legendary Researcher Jordan Maxwell Live at the Los Angeles Hilton Hotel. He discusses his new projects and the true meanings of ancient religions.

Brien Foerster | Lost Ancient High Technology Artifacts In The Cairo Museum Of Egypt | Mar. 29, 2017


There are thousands of artifacts in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and some show signs that they were made with VERY advanced technology...comparable to today. -Brien Foerster

Jim Marrs | The Illuminati | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | Mar. 28, 2017


Jim Marrs is a native of Fort Worth, Texas and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. He has worked for several Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where beginning in 1968 he served as police reporter and general assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe and the Middle East.

After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a free-lance writer, author and public relations consultant.

Mr. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, the Discovery, Learning and History Channels, This Morning America, Geraldo, Montel Williams, Today, Tech TV and Larry King.

He is the author of many books, including: Alien Agenda, Rule by Secrecy, The War on Freedom, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, Above Top Secret, Population Control and his current release is: The Illuminati.

Interview start 31:50 min.

Newsbud | China Watch with Peter Lee | America’s Shadow Army Invades China | Mar. 29, 2017

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

In this twelfth edition of Newsbud’s China Watch with Peter Lee: Black Water Rises in China; and a win-win whine-whine for Obama Pivoteers. Do not miss this in-depth reporting and geopolitical analysis you will not find anywhere else.

Show Notes
Spotlight: Chinese landmark concept put into UN Security Council resolution for 1st time
US Forces Vow to Defeat Islamic State in Afghanistan This Year
Libya: Worse Than Iraq. Sorry, Hillary
Frontier Services Group Strategy Update
Echo Papa Exposed
Betsy DeVos’s Brother, the Founder of Blackwater, Is Setting Up a Private Army for China, Sources Say
Blackwater Founder to Open Bases in Xinjiang
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