Tom Campbell and Brough Perkins | A Model of Reality and Consciousness | Nov. 5, 2018


Tom Campbell, retired NASA physicist and colleague/friend of Bob Monroe, joins Brough for an in depth interview on out of body experiences and Models of Reality. Brough Perkins is a Psychic Medium from Canada as well as a broadcaster online & television host.

James Perloff | Demons In Your TV | Freeman TV | Nov. 5, 2018


Do you remember the introduction of the V Chip for your television? It was as if they were willing to give them away to even the homeless! Then, everyone was forced to upgrade to HD TV. Now, you are being offered the 5G TV free with your submission to the network. Partnering with Apple (AAPL) and Google (GOOGL), Verizon will give 5G internet customers a choice: YouTube TV service or an Apple TV. Verizon has not announced the terms, but Bloomberg reports that Verizon will offer them free. Are demons preparing to come through your television?

For decades, TV’s “Golden Age” was, and still is by many, remembered nostalgically. Though many of my younger readers won’t know them, some of the best-loved staples were I Love Lucy, The Honeymooners, and Leave It to Beaver. What made that era so memorable? Sure, it was new and innovative at the time, and shows were often live instead of prerecorded (adding an appeal of unpredictability). Initially, audience laughter was almost always genuine instead of “canned.” But I credit a more profound reason for the attraction.

In a world complicated by many lies, telling the truth is sometimes not enough. It is often important to disprove the lies – especially ones that, through the psychological ploy of repetition, have been embedded in the public mind as facts by the corporate media. With the lies washed away, the truth becomes easier to see.

James Perloff has given scores of talks for civic groups, patriotic organizations, schools and churches. Most of his lectures have been on the subjects of his books (the drive for world government, and creation vs. evolution), but can be tailored to any need. There are lots of visuals and humor (after all, who wants to just hear a talking head give a discourse?)

Max Igan | Problems For The Present - Questions For The Past | Nov. 2, 2018


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - November 2nd, 2018.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Nov. 1, 2018


Well, today's story couldn't be more appropriate to Halloween and All Saints' Day: Mad Madam Merkel, a.k.a. Murky Merkel, just resigned her position as leader of the Christian Democratic Union...

Article: Merkel To Step Down As CDU Leader In Dramatic Move

New World Next Week | Vox Advocates Drugging the Water Supply | Nov. 1, 2018


Story #1: Trump Taps Ex-Monsanto Executive To Lead Wildlife Agency
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Aurelia Skipwith
Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in Hell
Judge Upholds Monsanto Verdict But Cuts Award To $78 Million
Update: Monsanto May Get New Trial On Punitive Damages

Story #2: Researchers Still Want To Put Lithium In The Water Supply To Prevent Suicide
Wikipedia: Dylan Matthews
Traces Of Hallucinogens, Other Banned Drugs Found In Meat Tests
Fluoride Fight: The Forced Drugging Of Society

Story #3: Desire Paths - The Illicit Trails That Defy The Urban Planners
Economics in One Image

Nick Redfern | The Shadow Being ENIGMA | Oct. 31, 2018


Paranormal researcher Nick Redfern joins us to discuss the enigma known as shadow beings. Also called shadow people, these dark, mysterious and intimidating entities have terrified people the world over.

Often appearing out of thin air, these beings will stand idle observing their targets, hovering over the individual who will lay in bed in a state of total paralysis.

Though they can show up in different forms, there are different types of shadow people. In this conversation we cover the elusive “hat man,” the men in black or MIB and even the recently discovered “women in black.”

The shadow being is a phenomenon and a mystery of huge proportions. The who, what, and why, we’ve yet to understand.

But do we (as humans) have something to do with their showing up and frightening the living daylights out of us? Are we somehow connected to these entities? Are we dreaming or conjuring them up on some deeply unconscious level? And what does consciousness have to do with it all?

Dark Journalist | X-Series XXXIII: CERN Occult Nightmare Tarot Orphic Circle | Oct. 31, 2018


Halloween CERN Tarot Special with Psychic Gigi Young!
Join Dark Journalist's and his special guest Gigi Young tonight for a live analysis of the enigmatic and mysterious CERN tarot deck.

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion.

The Solari Report | Harry Blazer on Artificial Intelligence | Oct. 30 , 2018


In his discussion with Hugo de Garis on Artificial Intelligence, Harry Blazer gave an impassioned description of our mysterious governance system on planet earth, the dangers that AI is belng used to implement central control and the risks this poses to life.

The Solari Report | An International Appeal to Stop 5G with Michael Blanshan | Oct. 30, 2018


You absolutely want to support the International Appeal to Stop 5G - and learn more from Michael Blansham about how you can protect your health as the levels of EMF radiation rise. Learn more at the appeal

Richard Dolan | How We Are Controlled | Part 1 & 2 | Oct. 30, 2018


Part 2

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere.

Thomas Meyer with Catherine Austin Fitts in Basel on the Future of Europe - Full Interview | Oct. 30, 2018


Catherine joins Thomas Meyer in his beautiful home in Basel Switzerland to discuss the Future of Europe and how we find the people interested in nurturing Western Civilization and a human culture to help lead through the present age.

Bruce Lipton and Tom Campbell | Physics, Biology, and Love | Oct. 28, 2018


Physics and biology are talking the same thing these days!

Two brilliant minds are together again for a discussion of the nature of our reality, with a bright and beautiful host! A winner!

There is a great connection between Tom Campbell and Bruce Lipton. We are both “on the same sheet of music” says Tom.

Love is the conclusion of both of these scientists’ decades of research. And that is good news for the world!

Dr. Bruce Lipton is a vibrant, generous and caring individual who has expressed respect for Tom’s work and how well it fits with his own extensive research in biology and beyond.

Bruce says of Tom, “his words are wonderful truth.”

It’s time for a bigger picture, and many scientists are now on board with Tom’s MBT theory!

Want world peace?
As Tom has said here and many times, “The world is a reflection of us.” A peaceful solution begins with the individual’s journey.
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