Joseph Farrell | Ancient W.A.R. in Heaven | Part 2 - The Usual Suspects | Forum Borealis | Jan. 31,2019


We move deeper into the mystery of what transpired millions of years ago. Some points touched: What sources is used? How does Farrel's work relate to Sitchin's? Did the Cosmic War have survivors? What was the Tablets of Destiny? Where were they hidden? Why was the wars fought? Who was the factions? How does it relate to modern wars?

What's the nature of their technology? Were Pyramids used as weapons? How is acoustic vibrations key? What happened to the top cap stone? What happened to Mars? How is the Moon involved? What's the world grid? Are the elites aware? ... and we pay tribue to both the Gizers and Hoagland.

Joseph Farrell | Ancient War in Heaven | Part 1 - The Annihilation of Mother Tiamat | Forum Borealis


The professor returns & takes us back to distant times of yore, accounting for the Cosmic War theory. In part 1 we discuss the Titius-Bode Law, codes in ancient myths, Dr. Campbells influence on the Star Wars movies, Dr. Brandenburg, Dr. Van Flandern, Dr. Velikovsky, Graham Hancock,

Alan Alford, Christopher Knight, & ask such questions as: What's the exploded planet hypothesis? What people would live on original Ceres? Did Tesla try to monetize ZP energy? What's the anomalies of Mars, Luna & other solar system bodies? Is our Solar System a ruin? What tech can bust a planet? + we muse on the recent release of classified files on JFK & Hess.

New World Next Week | Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Grab | Jan. 31, 2019


Story #1: 9/11 Judge Rushed From Guantánamo In Medical Emergency
Defence Lawyers In 9/11 Case Seek Dismissal Of New Judge

Story #2: Taiwan School Bank Experiment - Money Lessons for Life
"I Will Never Agree to Something That's Illegal."
Facebook Ripped Off Game-Playing Kids And Their Parents In Multi-Year "Friendly Fraud" Scheme
Facebook Pays Teens To Install VPN That Spies On Them

Story #3: “I’m Not Going to Enforce That” - Sheriffs Disobey New Anti-Gun Laws, Refuses To Disarm Citizens

Finally Admitted! "New" Tech Can Beam Voices Directly into Your Head | Jan. 27, 2019


Jeff Rense & Bryan Tew | CIA-DOD Mind Control & Remote Neural Manipulation | Jan. 29, 2019


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 01-29-19 with Guest Bryan Tew.

The Corbett Report | Election Interference Is OK When Uncle Sam Does It! – #PropagandaWatch | Jan. 30, 2019


So let me get this straight: The Russians brought America to its knees with a few facebook ads, but Uncle Sam’s concerted and ongoing efforts to overthrow governments around the world and interfere with elections is perfectly fine? Because…democracy? Riiiiiiight.

Max Igan | The Reality of the Human Condition | Jan. 25, 2019


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - January 25th, 2019.

Dark Journalist X-Series 44 | Atlantis Hot Zone & Antarctica X Pole Shift Cayce Einstein & Hapgood | Jan. 25, 2019


X STEGANOGRAPHY REVEALED! Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion.

Fake Activists REVEALED! #Covington School Closes Due To Threats & The TRUTH About Nathan Phillips! | Jan, 22, 2019


The Corbett Report | The 2nd Annual REAL Fake News Awards | Jan. 25, 2019


Live (by which I mean recorded) from western Japan, it’s The 2nd Annual REAL Fake News Awards, that ceremony where the worst Fake News offenders of the past year are dishonoured with the shameful Dino awards. So will The Guardian retain its title as biggest purveyor of fake news or will a new challenger come along to take its place? Find out in this year’s most exciting award show!

Show Notes

John B. Wells | Matrixxs & Shady interview | Jan. 24, 2019


Q... Matrixxx and Shady, two brilliant Q-Anons enlighten us tonight. Matrixxx has been covering Q on twitter since last December. He brings every Q post to twitter along with other brilliant anons' research in an easy to read thread. Shady is both patriot and researcher who upon digging into the Q drops, became very involved in the movement and started a show on YouTube called the Q Lounge Live, highlighting the idiocy of the media and the great work of those exposing the CON. Together, Matrixxx and Shady aim to BE LOUD and PROUD to send the message out world wide.

Paul Levy | Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


To say that quantum physics is the greatest scientific discovery of all time is not an exaggeration. In their discovery of the quantum realm, the physics community stumbled upon a genuine multifaceted revelation which can be likened to a profound spiritual treasure--a heretofore undreamed of creative power--hidden within our own mind.

Quantum physics unequivocally points out that the study of the universe and the study of consciousness are inseparably linked, which is to say that ultimate progress in the one will be impossible without progress in the other. Einstein declared that what it reveals is so immensely important that "it should be everyone's concern."Yet few of us in the general public truly understand how the game-changing discoveries of the past century not only relate to our day-to-day lives, but also give us insights into the nature of reality and our place within it.

Written for readers with no physics background, Paul Levy's latest book, The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality is for those who have heard that quantum physics is a fascinating subject but don't quite understand how or why. Levy contemplates the deeper philosophical underpinnings of quantum physics, exploring the fundamental questions it provokes: What does it mean that quantum theory has discovered that there is no such thing as "objective reality?"

How are we participating--via our consciousness--in creating our experience of a reality that quantum theory itself describes as "dreamlike?" What are the implications for us in our day-to-day lives that--as quantum theory reveals--what we call reality is more like a dream that we had previously imagined? The Quantum Revelation is unique in how it synthesizes science and spirituality so as to reveal and explore the dreamlike nature of reality. It is a book not just for people interested in quantum theory, but for anyone who is interested in waking up and dreaming lucidly, be it in our night dreams or our waking life.

Born in 1956, Paul Levy grew up in Yonkers, New York. In the mid-seventies he went to college at what was then called the State University of New York at Binghamton (now called Binghamton University), receiving degrees in both economics and studio art. While an undergraduate at Binghamton, he was hired by Princeton University to do research in economics. When he graduated college, he stopped his studies in economics and pursued his career in art, moving out to the Bay Area, where he was both making, and teaching art.

In 1981, due to an intense personal trauma, he had a life-changing spiritual awakening in which he began to recognize the dreamlike nature of reality. During the first year of his spiritual emergence, Paul was hospitalized a number of times, and was told he was having a severe psychotic break from reality. Much to his surprise, he was diagnosed as having a chemical imbalance and was informed that he had manic-depressive (bi-polar) illness, and that he would have to live with his illness for the rest of his life. Little did the doctors realize, however, that he was taking part in a mystical awakening/shamanic initiation process, which at times mimicked psychosis but in actuality was a spiritual experience of a far different order, completely off the map of the psychiatric system. Fortunately, he was able to extricate himself from the medical and psychiatric establishment so that he could continue his process of self-discovery. Thankfully, as Paul freed himself from the shackles of psychiatry, he found his spiritual teachers, who instead of seeing Paul as crazy, recognized that he was beginning to spiritually awaken.

An artist, after the trauma of his shamanic break-down/through, he became a certified art teacher. Due to his intense interest in the work of C. G. Jung, by the end of the decade he found himself the manager of the C. G. Jung Foundation Book Service in New York. In 1993, after many years of struggling to contain and integrate his non-ordinary experiences, Paul started to openly share his insights about the dreamlike nature of reality. He began giving talks and facilitating groups based on how life is a shared waking dream that we are all co-creating and co-dreaming together. Paul has developed a unique and creative vehicle to introduce people to the dream-like nature of reality that he calls "The Dreaming Up Process" which is based on the realization that the same dreaming mind that dreams our dreams at night is dreaming our life. He teaches this dreaming up process in "Awakening in the Dream Groups" where people who are awakening to the dream-like nature of reality come together and collaboratively help each other to wake up in the dream together. A wounded healer in private practice, he assists others who are also awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality.

Paul is a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, as well as an innovator in the field of dreaming (both night dreams as well as waking dreams). A Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for over 30 years, he has intimately studied with some of the greatest spiritual masters of Tibet and Burma. He is the author of The Madness of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis, as well as Wetiko: The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity.
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