Richard Dolan | The Men in Black | Feb. 29, 2020


Nowadays, the idea of Men in Black is such a widespread cultural meme that people can easily forget that for decades no one knew about them, other than a few UFO researchers during the 1950s and 1960s. What are these individuals? Do they even really exist? Richard discusses the story behind the Men (and Women) in Black, but stresses the seminal research of Nick Redfern who, more than anyone else today, has done the lion's share of work on this subject.
See Nick's work at:

South Front | Syrian-Turkish Conflict In Greater Idlib: Results Of February 24-28 | Feb. 28, 2020


The week of February 24th became for the Turkish government and its al-Qaeda-linked proxies a silver of light in the realm of Assad darkness. Since December 19th, 2019, Syrian government forces have taken control of approximately 2,400km2 in the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo.

In the course of the operation, they have repelled several Turkish-led counter-attacks and dealt several painful blows to the Turkish Army. However, towards the end of February 2020, Turkish military efforts finally produced results, and they were important ones.

By the start of the week, the Syrian Army had halted offensive actions east of Idlib city and redeployed most of its well-trained and motivated units from there to the southern part of the province.

Troops and equipment of the 25th Special Forces Division and the 4th Armoured Division joined a ground operation to cut off the front salient south of the M4 highway. This weakened the army defense near Saraqib and Turkish-led forces immediately exploited this.

New World Next Week | GOVERNMENT WANTS TO BAN EVERYTHING! | Feb. 27, 2020


Story #1: Posting Anti-Vaccine Propaganda on Social Media Could Become Criminal Offence
Zero Hedge Suspended On Twitter
Outrage as YouTube Reportedly Blocks History Teachers Uploading Hitler Archive Clips
UK Police Deny Responsibility for Poster Urging Parents to Report Kids for Using Linux

Story #2: UNESCO Claims Climate Denial To Be Criminalized And Prosecuted
Jerome Ravetz on Uncertainty in Science

Story #3: Foreign Interference In Elections Is Unacceptable. Congress Must Make It Illegal.

Christopher Knowles | High Profile Rituals | Freeman TV


YouTube began because it's founders wanted to see Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction at the 2004 Superbowl Half Time Show. Some American commentators viewed it as a sign of decreasing morality in American culture. The increased regulation of broadcasting raised concerns regarding censorship and free speech in the United States. Was this a High Profile Ritual to initiate the public into the New World? What about Y2K and the Millennium Dome Experience?

Could the prevalence of mermaid symbolism be leading humanity into the transgenic era? Transgenic is a term that describes an organism containing genes from another organism put into its genome through recombinant DNA techniques. A transgenic organism is one that contains a gene or genes which have been artificially inserted instead of the organism acquiring them through reproduction.

How does this relate to Black Magick? Who was Kenneth Grant? Was he using ritual magick to communicate with extraterrestrials? How many performances from the Superbowl halftime to political ceremonies are based in the Old Religion? What is hidden behind the X-Men logo?

Christopher Loring Knowles is the author of the Eagle Award-winning “Our Gods Wear Spandex: The Secret History of Comic Book Heroes”, co-author of “The Complete X-Files: Behind the Series, the Myths, and the Movies” and “The Secret History of Rock ‘n’ Roll: The Mysterious Roots of Modern Music”.

He was an associate editor and columnist for the five-time Eisner Award-winning Comic Book Artist magazine, as well as a writer and reviewer for the UK magazine, Classic Rock. He has appeared on ABC’s 20/20 and VH1’s “Metal Evolution” and several radio shows including “Mancow in the Morning”, “National Public Radio” and the “Voice of America”. He has also appeared in several documentaries such as “Wonder Woman: Daughter of Myth and The Man”, “The Myth: Superman”. He was invited to lecture on science fiction, mysticism and mythology at the legendary Esalen Institute at Big Sur, California in 2008 and 2009.

Linda Moulton Howe | COVID-19 Updates, Strange Sounds , Viewer Q&A | Feb. 26, 2020


Tonight's topics:
- COVID-19 Updates
- Strange Sounds in Medina, Texas

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 26, 2020


This is an usual News and Views, because we'll be looking back at a blog earlier this week, and then at another story from a purely high octane speculation point of view: the oil refinery explosion in California today:

Explosion Rocks Largest Oil Refinery Plant On West Coast

Max Igan | Coronavirus - Don't Buy into the Propaganda | Feb. 27, 2020


Clif High | Critical thinking - SARS2 - Bio-Warfare Manual - DECONTAMINATION | Feb. 26, 2020


Discussion of the strategies & tactics involved in bio-weapon SARS2-cov / #covid19 response.

PDF 362 page manual

S0 News | Earth Energy Balance, Cosmology Crisis, Nova Studies | Feb. 26, 2020


Dawn Lester & David Parker | What Really Makes Us Ill, Germ Theory, & The Four Factors | Feb. 25, 2020 


With Coronavirus on the forefront of many minds, independent researchers Dawn Lester & David Parker join THC to talk about their deep dive into the history of Western medicine, germ theory, viruses, and outbreaks.

It was a long multi-year journey that has culminated in their great work, What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong, a nearly 800 page detailed breakdown of everything they've found and the conclusions the data brought them to.

S0 News | Ongoing Magnetic Excursion Triggered by the Sun | Feb. 25, 2020


Jeff Rense with Dick Allgire & Yoichi Shimatsu | Remote Viewing The Corona Virus | Feb. 21, 2020


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 02-21-20 with Guests Dick Allgire & Yoichi Shimatsu.
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