Nine Doctors Speak Out | The Charlie Kirk Show | Aug. 12, 2020

Source: Charlie Kirk youtube

On this can't miss episode of The Charlie Kirk Show, nine courageous doctors speak out about their frontline experiences treating COVID-19 patients revealing what they've learned, what they believe can help end the pandemic in the next 30 days, and their controversial stance on HCQ that has shaken the medical and political worlds after their videos received millions of view before they were ultimately taken down across social media.

Red Ice TV | No-Go Zone: Kamala 2020, Math is Racist & OZ Covid Lunacy | Aug. 12, 2020


Jeff Rense & Jordan Maxwell | A Stroke, A Heart Attack, And The Dying US | Aug. 11, 2020


Jeff Rense & Jordan Maxwell | A Stroke, A Heart Attack, And The Dying US | Aug. 11, 2020.

Richard Dolan | The NEW YORK TIMES & UFO COVERAGE | Aug. 11, 2020


For this program, Richard is joined by Jay of the Youtube channel Project Unity. Jay recently did an important follow-up interview with New York Times journalists Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, discussing their latest piece on UFOs. Richard and Jay talk about that and much more of relevance to the entire story of what's going on with UFOs and the media.

That part of the interview doesn't begin until 34 minutes in, as they spend most of the first half hour talking about Jay's interest in CE5 initiatives, that is self-initiated "contact" with non-human/ET intelligences. Although popularized by Dr. Steven Greer, CE5 is being done by many people on their own. Jay has his own very interesting stories to tell in that regard.

S0 News | NASA on Earth's Magnetic Shift, Water on Ceres | Aug. 11, 2020


Max Igan | Police State Australia | Aug. 11, 2020


Brien Foerster | Inside The Largest Pyramidal Structure In The World: Cholula In Mexico | Aug. 7, 2020


Tom Campbell | PhDs, Synchronicities, and Nudges | Aug. 11, 2020


What’s up Doc? Well, here is what’s up with the Doc! The LCS had other plans. We all have intuition, most of us ignore it. There is after all, free will. (Consciousness, free will, and time are key elements to Tom’s logical big TOE, a big theory of everything.) But when you are an evolved being such as Tom Campbell, and your intuition is finely tuned after many life experience packets of making the best choices possible and acknowledging nudges, well, you pay attention.

In this virtual reality, which is the logical conclusion of Tom’s big theory, learning is the most important thing. Learning, growth, experiences, good choices, and evolving toward love.

From a teaching assistant in the physics department of a prestigious university, to Robert Monroe’s makeshift lab, the One, and My Big TOE, listen in to Tom’s very personal journey from graduate school to the award winning documentary Superhuman!

James Corbett | Shape of Compliance | Aug. 5, 2020


James Corbett spoke with Chuck about topics ranging from Eugenics and the snitch society to Black and Gray Markets. Can you wake up your friends and family? Plus Chuck asked James what he thought about the nearly 3,000-ton ammonium nitrate explosion in Beirut.

Show Notes:

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Aug. 6, 2020


Joseph begins by mentioning a video with reference to the Beirut explosion, and then gets down to main story, shared by M.W., about Blackstone's acquisition of a controlling stake in, and an unusual patent:

1. The youtube video in Beirut
2. Blackstone and
3. A google patent on chloroquine compounds as radiation sickness therapy and DNA repairer

YouTube / Google Whistleblower Reveals A Dangerous Agenda! | Aug. 7, 2020

Source: Spiro Skouras youtube,

A former insider who worked at YouTube / Google, Zach Vorhies shares his story about what he uncovered while working for the tech giant.

Zach Vorhies became a whistleblower after he discovered what he believed to be high crimes committed by Google against entire nations, including the United States.

Google sent the police after Zach when they discovered he had taken over 950 pages of documents from the company which he handed over to the Department of Justice.

Mr. Zorhies also shares a plan to end the censorship and possibly break up the monopoly that has become possibly the most powerful corporation in the world, Google.

George Webb | Blackberries Matter: Hillary's Blackberries May Be The Heart Of The Matter | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


George Webb is network analyst turned Investigative journalist. The crimes of the DNC and Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election spurred Webb to start a research channel based on the work of Peter Schweitzer Clinton Cash. Webb states his YouTube channel of online researchers turned into a small army of investigators digging for the truth in 2017.

A February phone call with the legendary journalist Sy Hersh encourages Webb to "go on the road, and write a book". Four years and 4,000 videos later, chasing down every lead on the Hillary Clinton and DNC emails, Webb's YouTube Channel was destroyed by YouTube.
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