The Corbett Report | Canadian Government Delays Mandatory Traveler Quarantine - #SolutionsWatch | Feb. 9, 2021


The Canadian government announced it was going to subject Canadian residents to mandatory quarantine, at their own expense, after returning from international travel, regardless of their negative COVID status.

After public backlash and the threat of legal action, the government is now delaying those plans, but some are alleging that the government has already arrested Canadians arriving in the country by air and transported them to a secret hotel location.

Joining us to discuss this developing story and what Canadians can do about it is John Carpay of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.

Show Notes:
PM Trudeau announces new travel restrictions, provides vaccine update – January 29, 2021
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
Federal government faces imminent lawsuit over unlawful confinement of returning Canadian travelers
Federal government delays plan to forcibly confine travellers after public backlash and threat of litigation
‘I was detained at Calgary COVID detention centre for 11 days’
Former Federal Security Minister urges more politicians to speak out against secret airport detentions
Those held in COVID-detention preparing class-action suit
Canadian Govt. doubles down on its threats to tightly censor online “hate” and “misinformation”
JCCF Letter to Transpor Minister Omar Alghabra
COVID restrictions are the most severe violation of human rights Canadians have faced and it’s time to fight back

The Black Vault | Did the Pentagon just admit to having UFO Debris? (Spoiler Alert: No) - Here's what REALLY happened | Feb. 10, 2021


So frustrating to have to do a video like this, but as traction grows today on various social media platforms about a story that just surfaced rooted with a FOIA request response - I felt a video was in order.

Wild sensationalized headlines and misinterpreted FOIA results has all landed a new UFO story that is, well, just not accurate. Although at the recording of this, mainstream media coverage has not commenced, the blog in question has found itself posted throughout multiple social networks such as Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter; all resulting in many questions.

This is addressing the rumor, while adding a few more tidbits about AAWSAP that you may not be aware of.

S0 News | Solar System is Shifting, Magnetosense, Electroquake | Feb. 9, 2021


Robert Bonomo | The Money Game: UBI, MMT, & The Corona Crash (Pt. 1 of 2) | Forum Borealis | Feb. 8, 2021


We're now in a new depression (NOT recession): Middle class eradicated, small business obliterated, multinational corporations bolts everything! 

So let's understand economy & reveal what MSM won't report, as in Pt. 1: What's debt? What's currency? Who create & destroy money? Why bubbles? Why a new financial crisis? Why did the stock market crash just prior to the pandemic? MMT, Crypto, Fiat, or Gold standard? Why's taxation needless? Hayek or Keynes? What's microloans? Why ought populists join across wings? Is Culture War & ID politics helping the elite? How's Divide & Conquer crushing Class Struggle? + We discuss UHC & 2020 US politics...

James Corbett | The REAL Meaning of GameStop | Feb. 8, 2021


In this conversation (recorded on February 1, 2021) James spells out what the GameStop / WallStreetBets fiasco was really about. Not that some retail investors were able to squeeze some hedge funds who were naked short selling and thus “win the game” (spoiler: the government will not allow David to beat Goliath), but that millions of people have just seen the markets for what they are: A fake and rigged game run by a mafia that will never allow you to win. This is an educational moment about the power of decentralized movements that people of all stripes pooh-pooh to their detriment.

If you appreciated this conversation, check out the full hour-long conversation between James and Pete Quinones on the Freeman Beyond the Wall podcast, which includes a discussion of the historical technocratic movement and how it evolved into the governing principle of the growing technofascist dictatorship.

Download Full Interview

Christian Morris | Power, Corruption and Lies 2 | Legalise Freedom Radio | Feb. 9, 2021

Source:, Christian Morris youtube

Christian Morris and I discuss media, politics, and current affairs in general during the Coronavirus Crisis. We talk Trump, identity politics, political correctness, censorship, culture, social media, and more.

The PCR Deception [Documentary]



Researched, written, and narrated by Derrick Broze
Edited by Becca Godwin


Reports are streaming in, declaring a Dark Winter for the world due to COVID19. The media rushes to tell the public that case numbers are on the rise again. In response, case numbers are used to support calls for lockdowns, travel and dining restrictions, and the push for compulsory vaccines.

However, in recent months an abundance of evidence has shown that the “gold standard” procedure for detecting COVID-19 is unreliable and could be producing untold numbers of false positives. If this is the case, why are health officials around the world calling for more tests?

This report is a brief look into the history of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) procedure and the evidence that PCR is unreliable and should not be used as a determinant for the number of COVID-19 cases or as a factor in political decisions. Please share with friends and family to keep them informed, and if someone shared this with you, please watch with an open mind.

The PCR Deception

In the months since the COVID-19 panic began health authorities around the world have encouraged the public to “get tested” to help track the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the strain of coronavirus that causes COVID19. However, as fear and hysteria subside, the scientific community and public at large are calling into question the efficacy of the test used to determine a patients status.

The main test that is used to determine an individual status involves the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. This incredibly sensitive technique was developed by Berkeley scientist Kary Mullis, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1993. The PCR method amplifies a small segment of DNA hundreds of times to make it easier to analyze. For COVID19, a process known as Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is used to detect SARS-CoV-2 by amplifying the virus’ genetic material so it can be detected by scientists.

PCR is sometimes described as a technique or process, but for simplicity we will refer to it as a test. PCR is viewed as the gold standard, however, it is not without problems. PCR amplifies a virus’s genetic material and then each sample goes through a number of cycles until a virus is recovered. This is known as the “cycle threshold” and has become a key component in the debate around the efficacy of the PCR test.

In late August 2020, I attended a press conference in Houston, Texas to ask Houston Health Authority Dr. David Persse about concerns about PCR.

Dr. Persse says that when the labs report numbers of COVID-19 cases to the City of Houston they only offer a binary option of “yes” for positive or “no” for negative. “But, in reality, it comes in what is called cycle-thresholds. It’s an inverse relationship, so the higher the number the less virus there was in the initial sample,” Persse explained. “Some labs will report out to 40 cycle-thresholds, and if they get a positive at 40 – which means there is a tiny, tiny, tiny amount of virus there – that gets reported to us as positive and we don’t know any different.”

Persse noted that the key question is, at what value is someone considered still infectious?

“Because if you test me and I have a tiny amount of virus, does that mean I am contagious? that I am still infectious to someone else? If you are shedding a little bit of virus are you just starting? or are you on the downside?.”

He believes the answer is for the scientific community to set a national standard for cycle-threshold. Unfortunately, a national standard would not solve the problems expressed by Dr. Persse.

UK Parliament and Scientists Have Concerns About PCR Test

In the first weeks of September 2020 a number of important revelations regarding PCR came to light. First, new research from the University of Oxford’s Center for Evidence-Based Medicine and the University of the West of England found that the PCR test poses the potential for false positives when testing for COVID-19. Professor Carl Heneghan, one of the authors of the study said there was a risk that an increase in testing in the UK will lead to an increase in the risk of “sample contamination” and thus an increase in COVID-19 cases.

The team reviewed evidence from 25 studies where virus specimens had positive PCR tests. The researchers state that the “genetic photocopying” technique scientists use to magnify the sample of genetic material collected is so sensitive it could be picking up fragments of dead virus from previous infections. The researchers reach a similar conclusion as Dr. David Persse, specifically they state:

“A binary Yes/No approach to the interpretation RT-PCR unvalidated against viral culture will result in false positives with segregation of large numbers of people who are no longer infectious and hence not a threat to public health.”

Heneghan, who is also the the editor of BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, told the BBC that the binary approach is a problem and tests should have a cut-off point so small amounts of virus do not lead to a positive result. This is because of the cycle threshold mentioned by Dr. Persse. A person who is shedding an active virus and someone who has leftover infection could both receive the same positive test result. Heneghan also stated that the test could be detecting old virus which would explain the rise in cases in the UK and said setting a standard for the cycle threshold would eliminate the quarantining and contact tracing of people who are healthy and help the public better understand the true nature of COVID-19.

Dr. Joseph Farrell | The Alchemy of Zero Point (Pt. 1 of 2: Particle Waves & Harmonic Scales) | Forum Borealis | Feb. 5, 2021



Info pending.

Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live Feb. 5, 2021


Doc discusses whether or not to take supplements with food. He suggests that diseases often thought to be genetic are actually nutritional deficiencies and reminds us that it is never too late to get started.

New World Next Week | Reality Czars and Brain-chipped Monkeys | Feb. 4, 2021


Story #1: How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis
Kevin Roose
Your Problem Is Not With Section 230, But The 1st Amendment
The Mysterious Case of the Lady Gaga Inauguration Bird and ‘The Hunger Games’
NWNW Flashback: #CreepyJoeBiden​ and Lady Gaga to Establish Sexual Assault Centres (Nov. 16, 2017)
Lady Gag Gag’s New Oreo: If the Cookie Doesn't Make You Sick, the Propaganda Will
Gag Gag’s Cancerous Cookie Ingredients
Lady Gaga Calls on World Leaders to Help Fund a COVID-19 Vaccine
NYC Restaurants to Reopen at 25% Indoor Capacity on Valentine's Day

Story #2: Elon Musk Wired Up a Monkey's Brain to Play Video Games
Denmark Reveals Concrete Plans for a Digital ‘Covid Passport’ In World First

Story #3: RFK Jr Foils California Plan To Mandate COVID-19 Tests And Vaccines For Students And Teachers
Children’s Health Defense – California Chapter sends Letter to all California Superintendents regarding Medical Ethics, Emergency Use Products, Voluntary Testing & Vaccine Safety
Video: Flash Mob of Anti Maskers at a Natural Grocers in Denver, CO

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 4, 2021


The Nefearium, in the form of the IMF, is now calling for your credit score to be linked to your internet search history:

IMF Calls for Credit Score to be Tied to Internet Search History

Douglas Vogt | The Biggest Secret The Government doesen't Want You to Know | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


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