Suspicious0bservers | Safe Zones, Animal Anomalies, Primary Risks | Advanced Catastrophism | June 27, 2021


The Corbett Report | Take A Break – #SolutionsWatch | June 23, 2021


Summer has alighted upon the Land of the Rising Sun so I will be taking a break for the next week or two. In the meantime, I invite you to ponder the need for downtime; not just “recharging the batteries” in the physical sense, but reconnecting with the world around us without the newswires twittering in our ear. 

In that moment of calm, is it possible for us to rediscover what it is we are fighting for (rather than what we’re fighting against)? I think so. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go sit under a tree and watch the toads mating.

Show Notes: 

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 24, 2021


Amid Russo-British incidents in the Black See and a building collapse in Miami, there's more information about that Chinese defector... and if true, it's explosive: 

Dark Journalist | UFO Bilderberg The Cosmos Club | June 25, 2021


A Club of Society Elites or a Secret UFO Meeting Roundtable?
As the UFO Threat narrative is being pushed heavily by the Intelligence Community on a Traumatized public it becomes more important than ever to find out the origins of the CIA Psyop vs the true UFO Research.

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep to investigate the meeting places for elite covert operators with access to the UFO File and it brings him directly to The Cosmos Club in Washington D.C and the shadowy connections of one of its members, a Cold War CIA Official named Arthur Lindahl ...!

DBros - 'Enough Is Enough' - Music Video

Source:, DiNunzio Brothers FB, DiNunzio Brothers IG 

DiNunzio Brothers new single 'Enough Is Enough" @DiNunzioBrothers , Spotify, ITunes, ect...

Music Produced by Vago
Mixed & Mastered by Kemo
Vocals by DBros (AGD)

Jasun Horsley | What if Some People Out There in the World Are Not Like Us? | Part 1 | June 17, 2021


Jasun Horsley and Greg Moffitt ponder the question: “What if some people out there in the world are not like us?” Some people go through life not quite feeling fully part of the human race. 

Surrounded by untold millions who seem to want from life only that which they are told they should want, those who refuse a simple life of comfort and consumption are often made to feel like misfits and failures by the corporate machines and media matrix which promote and profit from mass conformity. 

But what if there are more bodies than souls on Earth and, despite what we are told, all people are not in fact created equal? Do all humans really have the same potential? Are all the people in the world fully human or, merely existing rather than living, even human at all? 

A Tulpa is a paranormal being created through spiritual or mental powers, either through a deliberate act of individual will or unintentionally from the thoughts of numerous people. Could this concept account for the strange, uncanny sense some people have about many of the humanoid beings they live among, and about a consensus reality splintering more and more with each passing day? -

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 17, 2021



- US Senate passes bill to give billions of dollars in funding for human-animal hybrid experiments

- France adopts bioethics law that will introduce chimeras, genetic engineering of ‘human material’

Max Igan | Technocratic-Corporate-Covitocracy | June 16, 2021


“Man cannot be reduced to slavery if he is not distorted first. The politician and the priest have been in a deep conspiracy down the ages. They have been reducing humanity to a crowd of slaves. They are destroying every possibility of rebellion in man - and love is rebellion, because love listens only to the heart and does not care a bit about anything else.” - Osho

Jay Dyer | 1984 Predicted the Technocratic Takeover | June 16, 2021


Jay Dyer guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to break down the modern parallels of the modern Great Reset takeover to George Orwell's dystopian classic 1984.

Red Ice TV | NO-Go Zone: It’s Afraid, Because It Knows It Can Not Win | June 17, 2021



Henrik cover some of the latest news and recent events in episode 58 of No-Go Zone.

Suspicious0bservers | A Disaster is Coming | June 16, 2021


S0 News | Strongest Nova, Coronal Hole Impact, RNA 2 DNA | June 16, 2021


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