Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 3, 2021


Secretary of State Blinken just had a phone call with the Chinese Foreign Minister... what did they talk about? Well, one version has it they didn't talk about much; the other version has it they talked about a great deal. Guess whose version that was...?

Secretary Blinken’s Call with People’s Republic of China State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi

Wang Yi Speaks with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the Phone

Dr. Bryan Ardis | Hospital Protocols Are Murdering Americans by Prescribing Remdesivir Which Causes Renal Failure | Aug. 25, 2021



Hear Dr. Bryan Ardis explain his research and walks you through each of the reports he uses in the 67+ page Covid Report. See simple facts about the nasty side effects of the current status quo for treating COVID-19 and why you should stand up for your health and the health of your loved ones!

Red Ice TV | No-Go Zone: CDC's Work To Disarm Americans & Covid Vaccine Study On Babies Begin | Sept. 2, 2021


S0 News | Space Weather, Solar Climate Forcing & Human Health | Sept. 2, 2021


Brien Foerster | Exploring Outside And Inside The Huge Second Pyramid On The Giza Plateau Of Egypt | Sept. 1, 2021


Linda Moulton Howe | Is There A Doorway Between Universes Near Lake Titicaca, Peru? | Sept. 1, 2021


On November 11, 1998, at 11 PM local Peru time, Arizona resident Jerry Wills and his bride Kathy were standing in front of what ancient Incans called Aramu Muru, Gate of the Gods, a mysterious, small “doorway” cut into solid red sandstone. A local shaman said it linked to another dimension and taught Jerry the secret to passing through. Kathy watched Jerry kneel at the “door,” suddenly glow with light and disappear.

Jerry’s original 2016 in-depth interview with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe, now updated in 2 Parts for Wednesday, September 1, 2021, and September 8, 2021.

- Gallup poll shows that 41% of adults now believe the UFOs involve alien spacecraft
- June 8, 2021 article - “Do Parallel universes exist? We might live in a multiverse.”

Aramu Muru site - “Gate of the Gods”, discovered in 1996 near Lake Titicaca in Peru
- Site is feared and revered by locals
- Is it a a portal to other locations or universes?

Jerry Wills history of contact from an early age with “Zo”
- Interview with Jerry Wills, recounting his trip through the portal

S0 News | Sun Triggers Geomagnetic Quakes, Top Risk Zones, Space Mysteries | Sept. 1, 2021


Catherine Austin Fitts | Financial System under Attack | The Highwire with Del Bigtree


Financial Expert and former White House Official, Catherine Austin Fitts, reveals how the central banking system has utilized economic turmoil during the #Covid19 pandemic, to advance a plan to centralize wealth, reengineer the financial system, and what we can do to stop it.

The Corbett Report | Research Resources You Should Know About – #SolutionsWatch | Aug. 31, 2021


Did you know there's a searchable archive of the last 12 years of tv news? Or that every moment of all of the major news network's broadcasts from the week of 9/11 are available for free online? Well, you do now! Go forth and research!

Show Notes:
Really Simple Syndication – #SolutionsWatch
Research Tools You Should Know About – #SolutionsWatch
How to Access the Library of Alexandria – #SolutionsWatch
Television Archive
Understanding 9/11 – A television news archive
Television Archive resources

S0 News | Magnetic Spin, GOLD Anomaly, Galaxy Rotation | Aug. 31, 2021


Jay Dyer | Great Reset & Operation L0ckstep | Aug. 30, 2021


Today I will cover the full L0ckstep document and its 4 scenarios in relation to the Great Reset and Klaus and Gill Bates' plans. We will look at how all 4 scenarios contain aspects of the future, including hacking attacks (Cyber P0lygon), surveillance, climate change, and more!

AlienScientist | Michael Mataluni & The Singularity Lab | The Big Phone Home 2 | Aug. 30, 2021


Special Guest Michael Mataluni joins me to discuss The Big Phone Home 2, his work with The Singularity Lab, and more!
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