Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live | Mar. 25, 2022

Source: criticalhealthnews.com

Andrei Martyanov | Geopolitics of War Crimes | Mar. 28, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Russian military and naval analyst, Andrei Martyanov.

Ukraine. War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, POWs, Western media

Redice TV | Kevin MacDonald | How Jewish Activism Transformed The West, Who Benefits From Ukraine-Russia War? | Mar. 26, 2022

Source: redice.tv


Kevin MacDonald from The Occidental Observer joins Henrik to discuss his latest paper "The Default Hypothesis Fails to Explain Jewish Influence." The paper was first published in the Israeli-based academic journal "Philosophia" and was heavily demonized and attacked for being 'anti-semitic.'

Despite the slander the paper seeks to address the very real and provable role of Jewish activism in regards to the transformative changes that have occurred in the West in recent decades. Later in the show we discuss the deeper implications of the war in Ukraine and who really benefits from it. We discuss Putin, Zelensky, NATO, Western corruption and ask how much influence the oligarchs have in Russia and in Ukraine.

In the second part on the show we analyze the wider consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions. What is going to happen with fuel prices, the supply chain and the food supply? Should we expect a catastrophe or can the damage done so far from Covid lockdown and sanctions be remedied somehow? Major globalist institution and the World Economic Forum are not only warning about food shortages and unrest over food supply problems but seek to benefit from the chaos by "rebuilding" a "new world" after the dust have settled. We discuss this and more in the second part. Don't miss it.

David Icke | Agenda 21 Is Here | Mar. 26, 2022

Source: davidicke.com

Dark Journalist | Special Report: CIA Invades The UFO File | Mar. 25, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com

Covert Intelligence/Aerospace Group that Controls the UFO File

Unidentified Flying Objects

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office

Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Grou

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Mar. 24, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com

There's an excellent op-ed piece by Robert Gore that addresses one of my main concerns: the collapse of epistemology in a dangerous geopolitical situation, and hoe as a consequence the dollar's status as a reserve currency is badly shaken; plus as a bonus today, a quotation from G.K. Chesterton's The Everlasting Man as a kind of backdrop by which to see the civilization state of Russia(Rome) and the West/America (Carthage).

Bonfire of the Governments, Part One, by Robert Gore

Andrei Martyanov | US Dollar and Kinzhal | Mar. 24, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com


Russian military and naval analyst, Andrei Martyanov.

US Dollar vs Ruble. Hypersonic weapons and finances. Ukraine.

David Icke | The Time Is Now | Mar. 23, 2022

Source: davidicke.com

Michael Hudson | Sanctions: The Blowback | Mar. 21, 2022

Source: rt.com

Whatever the outcome in Ukraine, one thing is for sure: The economic reverberations will be felt by everyone for years to come, as the world divides between the West and a rapidly re-shaping Eurasia.

Ross Ashcroft is joined by economist Michael Hudson to discuss trade, sanctions, dollar hegemony, and the emergence of a multipolar world.

The Corbett Report | How to Get Around the Digital Iron Curtain - #SolutionsWatch | Mar. 24, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com

As the battle lines are drawn in the new cold war, a digital iron curtain is descending across the internet. Governments are increasingly cracking down on the net and attempting to limit what websites you can access. Today James walks you through some basic steps you can take to draw back the curtain and peek at the information that the censors don't want you to see.

Redice TV | Bulgarian Journalist Expose Pentagon Biolabs & Bioweapons Research In Ukraine & Georgia - Dilyana G | Mar. 24, 2022

Source: redice.tv

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva is an independent journalist from Bulgaria that have been exposing Pentagon funded and operated biolabs in Georgia, Ukraine and other parts of the world.

We discuss what goes on in some of these labs, what kind of experiments and pathogens they work on. We talk about gene specific weapons, research on insects and birds as a means to bring disease into a certain region.

Later we talk about NATO, Russia and that it's the same forces that are behind these biolabs that have been providing weapons and resources to Al-Nusra Front in Syria to help topple Assad. -Redice.tv

Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Lentils, Lab-Grown Fish & Pedophile-Positive For SCOTUS? | Mar. 24, 2022

Source: redice.tv

Henrik cover the latest news in episode 95 of No-Go Zone.
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