Christopher Knight & Alan Butler - Civilization One, The Moon & The Megalithic Yard July 28, 2011


Chris became a writer almost by accident. In 1976 he became a Freemason because he was curious to know what the organization was really about. He decided to conduct his own private research and for the next 20 years he slowly reconstructed the origins of the craft. Four books later, he is known for his investigations into ritual and belief systems.

Alan Butler is an engineer as well as a professional writer. He set out on a two decade search that led to the decoding of some of the most important details regarding prehistoric knowledge and achievement in Europe. Alan Butler is a recognized expert in ancient cosmology. Chris and Alan have also co-authored four books including, Civilization One and Who Built the Moon? In this first hour, we'll talk with both Chris and Alan about Civilization One. They say there must have been a highly advanced precursor to what is currently the earliest recognized civilization. They'll talk about the mystery of the ancient "megalithic yard"-an incredibly precise unit of measurement that's based on a deep understanding of the solar system.

Chris and Alan will also talk about our universe as being designed to make humans, patterns and messages in our solar system, human DNA and time travelers. Later, we discuss megalithic builders and stone circle technology. -Red Ice Creations

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Carmen Boulter - Egypt & Pyramid Mysteries, July 27, 2011


Former professor at the University of Calgary, Carmen Boulter, discussed the pyramids in Egypt, and other mysteries of their ancient culture. The Great Pyramid served as an energy generator, based on the materials it was constructed out of, and its location on intersecting ley lines, she said. The ancient Egyptians may have had energy devices that used telluric or Earth currents, she theorized. Further, the Great Pyramid might have harnessed and stored power created by the interaction of sunlight on water moving through zigzag passageways, to build a charge with crystalline matrices, she added. Working with sound, light, and magnetism, flowing energy was enhanced by the shape and structure of the pyramids, which also had water tables underneath them, she noted.

"I think the Egyptians were in touch with higher level beings," and the realms of the unseen, in the way that shamans are, she commented. There were places where they used a substance like mercury and immersed themselves in what may have been huge teleportation chambers, she continued. Boulter shared some anomalous photos (see below) that she recently took in Egypt, which included unexplained lights over the Great Pyramid, as well as images from the Temple of Dendera that depict their creation mythology.

She believes some of Egypt's triumphs like the Great Pyramid were built during a 'Golden Age' as far back as 50,000 years ago, based on the length of precessional cycles. The pyramids "were probably put there to stave off the declining energy as we were slipping from the energy of the Golden Age," she suggested. Boulter also announced her involvement with, a soon-to-launch online learning and social action network.

Richard C. Hoagland - Comet Elenin as a Time Capsule, Norway Attack & The Messengers of Horus, July 25, 2011


July 25, 2011-Richard C. Hoagland is a former museum space science Curator, a former NASA Consultant and was science advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News. In the early 1970's, Hoagland proposed to Carl Sagan (along with Eric Burgess) the placement of a "message to Mankind" aboard Pioneer 10 -- humanity's "first" unmanned probe of Jupiter. Since then he has been pioneering the pursuit of uncovering the hidden data of our solar system. He is the author of several books, probably most famous for his theories on the face on Mars.

His website, is updated regularly with analytical research into current anomalies on our planet and way beyond. In this interview, Richard shares his convincing theory about Comet Elenin, its symbolism, purpose and message which is a positive one. He rips apart the fear-porn propaganda about Comet Elenin as this is a key point in time and someone or something is intervening to steer consciousness into another direction. Could it be that Elenin is a time capsule sent by our ancestors containing important information crucial for this time? Then, Hoagland weaves together an intense eye-opener which connects Comet Elenin with September 11, the original masonic message, the bombing in Norway and the secret space program.

Stephen Bassett on WDD, upcoming UFO Conferences, Area 51, Roswell, Nasa and ET Disclosure, July 25, 2011


July 25, 2011-Steve Bassett, advocate for ending the government imposed truth embargo regarding the ET presence, updated his progress pushing for government disclosure of UFOs.

His latest effort is for a World Disclosure Day, and he noted with interest, that a large number of online endorsements have come from citizens of mainland China. He suggested that the defunding of SETI could have a positive effect on disclosure, because he believes the program serves as a propaganda front to take the the pressure off the government revealing what it knows.

Bassett also argued that the emergence of more high profile contactees (such as musicians Sammy Hagar, and Robbie Williams), as well as coverage of the topic on such TV programs as The Daily Show and Colbert Report will help drive the disclosure movement.

Max Igan | Radio Skid Row, july 25, 2011

Source: Radio Skid Row,

Mike Adams | Food & Health, July 24, 2011

Source:, Mike Adams

July 24, 2011–George Knapp was joined by Mike Adams, editor of, for a discussion on the negative effects of processed foods.

Adams contended that the "main effect" of food consumed today is to "promote nutritional deficiencies and cause degenerative disease." While he conceded that "by and large" this is not done intentionally by the food industry, it is the end result of the over-processed nature of today's food supply.

Adams used white sugar as an example of this trend, noting that raw cane is rich in minerals and nutrients, but these are taken out when the sugar is processed to make it white. Ironically, the byproduct of this process sees the positive elements of the cane end up in black molasses which goes into food for farm animals. "They feed the deficient white sugar to human beings while the farm animals get the nutrition that's missing," he lamented.

"If you're suffering from a food addiction," Adams said, "that's actually by design." To that end, he revealed that while food companies appear to have stopped using MSG, they've merely switched to a "new, hidden form" of the chemical called yeast extract. The additive is so prevalent, he said, that it can be found in "literally thousands of different products that are sold today." Ultimately, Adams encouraged people to shop locally from farmer's markets and food co-ops in order to get the most natural goods. While the cost may be higher, he stressed that, from a nutritional perspective, "organic produce is actually less expensive per gram of nutrient your getting," compared to cheaper processed foods.

Michael Cremo | Human History & The Forbidden Archeologist


July 19-2011–Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. In the course of a few months time he might be found on pilgrimage to sacred sites in India, appearing on a national television show in the United States or another country, lecturing at a mainstream science conference, or speaking to an alternative science gathering. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality. Michael Cremo is a member of the History of Science Society, the World Archeological Congress, the Philosophy of Science Association, the European Association of Archaeologists and a research associate in history and philosophy of science for the Bhaktivedanta Institute.

After receiving a scholarship to study International Affairs at George Washington University, Michael began to study the ancient histories of India known as the Vedas. In this way, he has broadened his academic knowledge with spirituality from the Eastern tradition.

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Barbara Hand Clow | The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind, July 22, 2011


Time acceleration, super string theory, Trigons, the World Tree, and past life regression are but a few of the many threads Mayan Calendar researcher, teacher, astrologer and healer, Barbara Hand Clow, weaves into this interview. Clow says mankind is standing on the precipice of the pinnacle of human evolution. December 21, 2012 is not the end of the world, but the end of an eons-long progression of evolutionary phases, the veritable beginning of a whole new age.

The author of more than half a dozen books and CDs, Clow’s breadth of knowledge and fluid delivery belies a life spent foraging for truths outside of the mainstream. She has channeled Pleiadians, but prefers left-brain, analytical research. She teaches people how to understand the fear they feel, so as to transcend it. (Past life regression helps. She says Cherokee culture includes ceremonial healing of cellular memory of early epochs of Earth cataclysms.)

Influenced by the work of Carl Jung, Thomas Berry and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, not to mention the mystical teachings of her Cherokee grandfather and Celtic grandmother, Clow also credits Brian Swimme, Graham Hancock, Paul LaViolette, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Terrence McKenna, and Jose Arguellas during the interview. But it was the 2001 translation into English of Swedish biologist Carl Johan Calleman’s decoding of the Mayan Calendar, she says, that proved pivotal to her 25-years of study. His findings provided a discernable structure, a board into which so many of her puzzle pieces fit. His findings brought clarity to the Calendar’s implications for mankind. Calleman had established that the Calendar conveyed a timeline—a date—on the breakthrough in human consciousness. He had discovered the Mayan concept of time acceleration.

“We are living through a great awakening. We’re going to go through a lot,” Clow says, “but I’m optimistic. We live in a benevolent universe.”

Here is some of what she asserts in our discussion:
Humans carry traumatic cellular memory of a cataclysm that affected the entire solar system. We lost a lot of our knowledge over a 7000 year period, from the explosion of a supernova, through the destructive climatic changes that followed it. While Vedic lore held onto some of it, somehow the Maya managed to retain the whole story.

There was an ancient global maritime civilization that understood sonics, levitated material, moved stones. The cataclysm ended it.

The official explanation of 9/11 is fiction. It was likely the work of Pakistani secret police, the Mossad, and the CIA.

When we reach universal consciousness, we become 9-dimensional, living in many worlds.
While debunking astrology, the elite use it to exert their power and control.
On October 28, 2011, all nine levels of cosmic evolution—the Mayan cycles of time—culminate. 2012 is the first year after the ascent into enlightenment.

Currently in the 9th wave of time acceleration, time is moving 20 times faster, in 2011, that it did in 1999.

JL Walson | Close Moon Scan from Earth 2011

Source: gridkeeper youtube

1st movie: Moon Structures? As seen from Earth.

Moon Structures? A closer and more detailed look at the clavius/copernicus areas of the moon as seen from earth with a space craft at the end of the video. Another note to Nasa; must do better!

2nd movie: Close Moon Scan from Earth

Close Moon Scan by JLW filmed from the UK through a 12" Meade telescope.
Seen in video are Copernicus, a giant archway with a tall tower (watch the shadows), jagged edges around some larger crators.

3rd movie: Moon Rima Hadley area filmed from earth using 12" meade telescope.

Richard Hoagland | Space News, July 20, 2011


Richard C. Hoagland discussed what he views as coming "game changer" events. NASA, he said, was for once, telling the truth about data they've been receiving from a space exploration-- in this case, sharing revealing photos of the Vesta asteroid, sent back by the Dawn spacecraft. Hoagland suggested that the Vesta photos show evidence of geometric shapes that indicate ruins. The asteroid may in fact be a huge space station built by a Type 2 civilization, he announced.

The other game changer is the arrival of comet Elenin, which will make its closest pass on 9/11/11, and demonstrates numerical evidence of being artificially made, he continued. The object is on a hyperbolic trajectory which means that it has never passed the sun before. Hoagland theorized that the comet could be a kind of time capsule, possibly sent to us by an Atlantean civilization around 13,000 years ago.

John Lash | Sophia's Correction, Earth Changes & Stellar Anomalies, July 21, 2011


July 21, 2011–Comparative mythologist, author and teacher John Lash returns to the program to discuss "Sophia's Correction", Earth changes, stellar anomalies & Gaia's awakening. John Lash is a self-educated free-lance scholar who combines studies and experimental mysticism to teach directive mythology.

An expert on sidereal mythology, naked-eye astronomy, precession, and the World Ages, he also teaches the critique of belief-systems. On his website, he presents a radical revision of Gnosticism, with original commentaries on the Nag Hammadi codices. He also presents the only complete restoration by any scholar of the Sophianic myth of the Pagan Mysteries, the sacred story of Gaia-Sophia, recounting the origin of the Earth and the human species from the galactic core.

A number of strange phenomenon are being reported from around the world at what seems to be an increased frequency. Magnetic North is reportedly on the move and the sun rose two days early in Greenland. Some people are claiming that the sun is both rising and setting in the wrong place, others contend that the stars are displaced and the Moon is not following its normal pattern. John is with us to share his views about what is going on and why.

Topics discussed: the telestai, restoration of the Sophia myth, planetary Tantra, the Dendera zodiac, physical breakthrough, fast track acquisition of spirituality, the secret of the divine experiment, shock goddess, consciousness animal, "Pam", Gaia awakening, aperture, progeny, different consciousness, Anthropos, disease, disconnection with the source, shift in the magnetic field, sun shifting, the setting of the sun, sinkholes, Earth an organic body captured in an inorganic system, the Journey on the mothership, anamu and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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EMVs, Sun Control and the Solar Anvil - James Horak Explains

Source:, Information Machine

Gigantic Object discovered near our Sun - The Solar Anvil
Six weeks of solar activity - timelapse from June 1. 2011 to July 12. 2011
Composit of images from SECCHI COR2-A and SECCHI EUVI-A 304
provided by Naval Research Laboratory on

July 20, 2011–James Horak explains some astonishing phenomena we witness around our Sun. Next to the Sun, in a two o'clock position we see an object that is called the 'Solar Anvil' and has never been mentioned by science. This object is larger than all our planets together and has been there all the time and is captured by solar observatories in space and now published for the whole world to see. The sensation being that these images are actually presented to us unexplained and that science does not even ask what it is, at least publicly. NASA claims it is a fiber from the coat of Santa Claus, but everybody knows the true abbreviation for NASA: Never A Straight Answer.

You are now witness to a whole new discovery and called upon to change your concept of what reality is, don't hesitate, it will benefit you, our world and our chances of survival. Only note this: We are really taken care of by some awesome spiritual technology all around us that now can be observed in action.

In this video you see after a series of six strong blasts within four days, starting from June 1. 2011, that the area between the Solar Anvil and the Sun is darkening. Being converted to a low energy state, the darkened area is now forming a kind of connection between the Anvil and the Sun. After these blasts and the forming of that 'Channel' or 'Portal' the whole vicinity around the sun starts to fill up with fast moving objects that must all be quite large. These objects are using the Channel or the Portal that was facilitated by the Sun and the Solar Anvil to jump here from all over the universe, mostly passing through, as James knows.

There is time compression involved and those EMVs and ET craft that we see emerging en masse from the Portal are using that possibility, facilitated by the Solar Anvil and the energy of the Sun.

We see other strange objects but the most peculiar is a sun-cruiser resembling a butterfly in its shape, passing by on a curved path, coming close to a flare and charging up. This is a civilisation that is using a different kind of technology, maybe the Hippies of the Universe?

The amount of blasts and solar activity within only six weeks is astounding and one would come to think how this could be going on for more than six billion years without the Sun being depleted rather sooner than later.

This video is so awe inspiring especially when you can understand what is explained here by the most qualified man there is and who is helping us to get to the stars as well - if we defeat the NWO.

And what did Pink Floyd know to sing about to 'Set the controls for the Heart of the Sun'?
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