The Fukushima Legacy - Dr. Helen Caldicott on GRTV, March 13, 2012


One year after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan's northeast began, details continue to emerge about how the crisis was much worse than the government and TEPCO originally let on. Joining us to discuss the legacy of Fukushima is Helen Caldicott, a physician, author and radio host who has spoken out for decades about the deadly effects of nuclear radiation. ~James Corbett

Lyndon LaRouche on Call To Rights - KFNX Radio, March 10, 2012


On Saturday, March 10, 2012, Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed by Steve Kates on the weekly "Call to Rights" radio program carried by KFNX out of Phoenix, Arizona. KFNX has a 50,000 watt signal, and reaches a potential listening audience of almost 5 million people.

Max Igan | Truth Frequency Radio Interview, March 10, 2012


Raymon Grace | Great Dowsing Applications, March 7, 2012


March 7, 2012–Raymon Grace is an internationally-acclaimed energy worker, healer, lecturer, and one of the world’s foremost dowsers and dowsing teachers. People all over the world have sought after him to clean polluted water supplies, restore corrupted environments, help victims of abuse, and assist people with healing. Mr. Grace even learned how to make it rain from Native American shamans. He has worked successfully with law enforcement and political officials in the United States and Canada to reduce violent crime, and his teachings have also been effective in reducing violence in schools. Tune in as Raymon Grace shares wisdom, teachings, and tools for a better world. ~Kim Greenhouse

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The Dangers of Wi-Fi (WiFi, Wifi, WLAN, Electromagnetic Radiation, Wireless Internet, EMF, EMR

Wi-Fi connects electronic devices to wireless computer networks (wireless LAN) using electromagnetic radiation. They're installed in homes, schools, offices, stores, hotels, coffee shops, airports, libraries, hospitals, public buildings and even entire sections of cities. Wi-Fi signals are, unlike TV and radio signals, strong enough to penetrate concrete walls. Many health experts consider Wi-Fi radiation to be extremely dangerous to long-term health.

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Black Spherical Anomaly on the East Limb of the Sun, March 11, 2012

Rally Against Nuclear Power in Osaka, Japan, March 11, 2012


March 11, 2012–James Corbett of reports live from the rally against nuclear power in Osaka, Japan in commemoration of the first anniversary of the start of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis. For more information on Fukushima and nuclear power in Japan, please visit

Randy Maugans interviews Joseph P. Farrell on Offplanet Radio, March 7, 2012


Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. He is the author of numerous books in the field of alternative research.

Hour 1 - Apocalypse Theater,  details the subject of the latest book, written with Dr. Scott de Hart, on the ancient deceptions of the YAHWIST religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; how these streams are founded upon an impostor deity, who ravaged the earth and humantiy for millenia, imposing war, sacrifice, legalism while blinding people to their own natural connection to a Creator. The use of "special revelation", a set of codified written laws, and the threat of impending doom, personally and on a collective level, to build obedience to a hidden cabal of elite rulers.

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Hour 2 - Nazi Psy-Ops, Joseph P. Farrell picks up a narrative that has threaded through his research into the Nazi International---the hidden, surviving power structure that successfully transitioned from WWII into the present global security state: the transfer of both scientific and occult technology; the hidden financing of Hitler and the Third Reich; the quest to locate and develop exotic weapons based on ancient technologies and the "dark physics" of prior ages; the financial planning and transition to "peace time" banking structures that ensured the survival of the Nazi projects; the complicity of western banking, industrial, and scientific powers to continue these secret projects even into the present time; the creation of the cold war with Russia, the linkages to Roswell, mind control projects like Artichoke and MKUltra, "alien" abductions and the burgeoning new age apocalyptic millieu of death and destruction vs. "salvation" and utopia by off world beings...the dialectic of the theater that has gripped humanity in an elaborate ruse.

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Theo Chalmers | One Step Beyond The Rabbit Hole, March 6, 2012

Source:, Edge Media

March 6, 2012–Theo Chalmers has been peering down the rabbit hole for decades now, from October 2008 until June 2010 Theo Chalmers hosted On The Edge; the most popular show on Edge Media/Controversial TV (Sky Channel 200) broadcast by satellite across Europe making seventy five shows in all. His new and current show One Step Beyond was first broadcast on 6th September 2011 and is live every week at 8pm on Tuesdays with repeats every Wednesday at 9pm. His old On The Edge shows can be seen every day at 1pm on the same channel.

The shows feature interviews with recognised experts and iconoclasts, many of them politicians, scientists, activists, authors and film makers, chosen for their alternative and radical thinking on subjects as diverse as 9:11, 7:7, the death of Diana, treason, aliens/UFOs, Apollo moon landings, life on Mars, illegal wars, secret family courts, crop circles, Israel/Palestine, corrupt politicians, the legality of the UK's membership of the EU, the New World Order, Illuminati, Common Purpose, freeman movement, 2012 predictions, cryptids/bigfoot/chupacabra, animal mutilations, Starchild skull, human rights, war-crimes/genocide, dangerous vaccines, global banking conspiracy, Venus project, false flag, Naadi leaves, Hollie Greig scandal, spirituality/spiritworld, life after death, suppressed history, psychotropic drugs, mankind's slavery, our true purpose etc. etc. Chalmers likes to claim that if you have an enquiring mind these programmes will not fail to feed your brain, or he will give you your lightly fried synapses back! ~Spectrum Radio Network

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Max Igan | Australia's Decline into Fascism, March 9, 2012


Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - March 9, 2012.

John Lenard Walson | Recent Close Moon Footage, March 10, 2012

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

Breakthrough Energy Movement 2012

Source:, GlobalBEM on Facebook, GlobalBEM on Twitter

The Breakthrough Energy Movement is a non-profit volunteer-powered organization dedicated to educating & activating the public about breakthrough energy technologies which are clean, sustainable and world changing.

Featuring : Gerald Clemente, David Wilcock, James Martinez, Catherine Austin Fitts, Fernando Vossa, Tom Bearden, Sean David Morton

One of the core activities is organizing a conference about Breakthrough Energy Technologies. Berlin is chosen as the best central location in Europe for the first conference in 2012. The conference will take place at one of the biggest universities and will span several days.
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