Michael Murphy on Chemtrials, July 25, 2012

Source: LotusGuide youtube, WhyInTheWorldAreTheySpraying.com

There's more to chemtrails that geo-engeneering so now that we know "what" they're spraying we need to ask the next question..."Why are they spraying" You can visit Michael Murphy's website at WhyInTheWorldAreTheySpraying.com

"WHY in the World are They Spraying?" Premier Trailer

Why in the World are They Spraying? Premiering August 18, 2012, Produced by Michael J. Murphy, Co-Produced by Barry Kolsky, is an investigative documentary into one of the many agendas associated with chemtrail/geoengineering programs, "weather control"

‪Dr. Ted Loder & Dr. Steven Greer‬ | False Flag ‪Events and Their DANGER‬, July 27, 2012

Source: worldpuja.org, CSETI.org, DisclosureProject.org

World Puja Network Show - July 27, 2012
Dr. Ted Loder and Dr. Steven Greer discuss false flag events which are hoaxed ET events made to demonize the Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Having primed the public with scary "alien invasion" movies by the score, what is next on the agenda?

Former President Reagan's remark about humanity uniting to fight a common "alien threat" does not protect humanity but it does promote lots of money flowing to the military industrial complex.

Dr. Greer and Dr. Loder drill down on what is being presented to the public now and why it is so dangerous. The threat is not recognizing it for what it is. Listen in.

New World Next Week | Good Terror, Aussie Spies, Copycat Olympics, July 26, 2012

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: US Position On Syria Directly Endorses Terrorism
Related: Hillary Says Russia, China "Will Pay A Price" Over Support For Syria
Al-Qaeda Taking Deadly New Role in Syria's Conflict
Thomas L. Friedman Says "Syria Is Iraq"

Story #2: Australia's Spies Active In World's Strategic Hotspots

Background: ASIS On Wikipedia
Flashback: ASIS Involvement In Papua New Guinea

Story #3: London Olympics Officials Prepare For Cyber Attacks
Related: 2012 Olympics Special On Red Ice Radio
G4S Olympic Security Fiasco On Red Ice Radio
Colorado 'Movie Murder Massacre' Sensationalized By Media
The Copycat Effect With Loren Coleman On Corbett Report Radio
UN Treaty on Global Arms Trade Sparks Criticism

Nassim Haramein | Redefining Space & Time, July 24, 2012

Source: coasttocoastam.com, theresonanceproject.org

July 24, 2012–Nassim Haramein has spent years researching the geometry of hyperspace, theoretical physics, cosmology, chemistry, as well as anthropology and ancient civilizations. He presented his concept about the structure of space & time, and suggested that if it was fully utilized, it could usher in a new era of space and time travel. The vacuum between atoms is not empty, but is a fluctuating energy that is the source of everything, and has discrete, quantifiable elements that could be thought of as very tiny pixels, he explained. These fluctuations are all around us, permeating everything, and organized into vortices of different sizes, he continued.

Fusing macro and micro-systems, Haramein studied fundamental aspects of these pixels, and found them to be part of a holographic universe, in which each point represents the entire system. Further, the tiny pixels in one proton represent the mass of the universe, and the relationship of the pixels inside the proton to those outside the proton yield a solution to gravity, which can be applied to an object of any size, he said. Such findings in quantum gravity "would give us the information necessary to start being able to engineer very advanced drive propulsion systems that could bring us to the stars literally," he declared.

The pixels could be considered little capsules of information, and you could think of time "as the memory of the structure of the vacuum," as things move through the vacuum, he noted. "In fact, this model may actually predict that memory is not a function of the brain directly but is a function of the brain accessing the information in the vacuum-- so the brain is like a radio," and if this held true, a person might be able to displace themselves anywhere in the universe, or access any time period, he suggested. "It opens doors that we can't even fathom today," Haramein commented, adding that he believes we're extremely close to a complete transformation in our energy production, transportation, and control of gravity.

2MIN News, July 26, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers youtube

Nuclear Expansion
Antarctic Ice Rift
Fracking Study Fraud
Crazy Weather Images

Dr. Curtis Duncan | The Conspiracy to Feminize Males & Masculinize Females, July 25, 2012

Source: Radio 3Fourteen, drcurtisduncan.com

July 25, 2012–Dr. Curtis Duncan is a holistic health expert, herbalist and avid researcher. He will discuss the feminization of males and the chemicals that are behind the reason why testosterone levels have been declining, impotence, dropped sperm counts, smaller penises, genital birth defects, autism, ADHD, cancer, low libido and more.

These chemicals also have gender bending effects and cause men to act and behave like women and women to act and behave like men, even altering sexual preference. We’ll also discuss the estrogen mimicking chemicals that are behind female infertility, miscarriages, cancer and more. Curtis talks about the endocrine system, endocrine disrupting chemicals, the companies and people behind gender bending chemicals, chemical effects on sexuality and the conspiracy behind it all. ~Radio 3Fourteen
download mp3

Brooks Agnew | Solar Maximum 2013 - X-Squared Radio

Source: x2-radio.com, Information Machine

Air Date: 05/20/2012
The solar maximum for 2013 is coming up. The stage is set for the agency-government to meet on June 5th at the National Press Club 13th floor to discuss the preparations. The G8 and NATO met this week, led by Obama. Anarchy is in the air. Find out if it is the blind leading the blind. ~Brooks Agnew

Back in Time Series | Joseph P. Farrell | Nazi Black Technology, November 2008

Source: gizadeathstar.com, richardsyrett.com

Joseph P. Farrell with Richard Syrett - Nazi Black Technology, November 2008.

Webbot Project - Clif's Wujo - E15 | Confirmation from RV Experiments, July 23, 2012

Source: halfpasthuman.com

2MIN News | Spaceweather Ramp-Up, July 24, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers youtube

Max Igan | Beyond Batman, Intel Hub News Brief, July 23, 2012

Source: theintelhub.com, thecrowhouse.com

Object Leaves Velocity Wake Near Sun 2012 | Stephen Hannard (ADG UK), July 23, 2012

Source: alien-disclosure-group-tv.ning.com, StephenHannardADGUK youtube

This object is only visible for three frames, this indicates the object was travelling at a tremendous velocity, far exceeding light speed. I put it through several filters to see what I could highlight, and in my opinion the object does have a design of sorts, an oval shaped body, with two possible propulsion engines at either side, looks almost similar to the Space Jockey ship in the Prometheus movie, but as always you decide. ~Stephen Hannard (ADG UK)
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