Seth Farber & Paul Levy | The Spiritual Gift of Madness, October 23, 2012


October 23, 2012–Dr. Seth Farber is a writer, social critic, dissident psychologist, activist and co-founder of the Network Against Coercive Psychiatry. His newest book is called, The Spiritual Gift of Madness: The Failure of Psychiatry and the Rise of the Mad Pride Movement.

Paul Levy studied economics and art. He is the author of The Madness of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis, as well as Wetiko: The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity. In 1981, due to an intense personal trauma, he had a life-changing spiritual awakening in which he began to recognize the dreamlike nature of reality. During the first year of his spiritual emergence, Paul was hospitalized a number of times, and was told he was having a severe psychotic break from reality.

Seth and Paul will talk about how the psychiatric system is limited to the 5 senses, misdiagnosing spiritual experiences and shamanic awakening as pathological. Paul shares his experience of psychiatric treatment. Seth talks about the problems within the psychiatric field. Seth continues in hour two discussing two journeys of the spiritual experience: the shamanic and the Messianic, which can appear to have schizophrenic traits. He also talks about Jung’s christification of many idea. Later, Seth places the blame on capitalism for problems within the mental field.
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3MIN News | X Flare, October 23, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

New York Stalls Fracking
Mars Canyon
Wyoming Windfarm
California Tornados

Andrew Basiago, Bernard Mendez, William Stillings | Chrononaut round table, Truth Frequency Radio, October 20, 2012


For the first time in radio history, Truth Frequency brings you a round table with three Chrononauts and Project Pegasus participants, Andrew Basiago, Bernard Mendez and William Stillings.

Andrew once again blows the whistle and discloses the inner workings of Project Pegasus and much much more. ~Truth Frequency Radio

2MIN News, October 22, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Central Australia Heat
Cold/Tornado in NZ
Record Lava Height
France Floods

Rick Rozoff on GRTV | NATO as Global Imperial Army, October 22, 2012


As NATO continues to expand across the globe through a series of partnerships, initiatives and dialogues, what was once a collective security agreement is increasingly becoming a global military strike force capable of bombarding, invading and occupying countries anywhere in the world. Through STOP Nato International, activists like Rick Rozoff are performing the thankless task of raising awareness of the growing threat to the world that NATO represents. Find out more about this important topic in this week's GRTV Feature Interview. ~James Corbett

Courtney Brown | Remote Viewing 2012 and Beyond, Offplanet Radio, October 17, 2012


We talk with Courtney Brown of the Farsight Institute about the scenarios of a massive global mass disruption event that appears to disrupt the present course of society-at-large. In 2008 Courtney tasked two groups, the Hawaii Remote Viewrs Guild, led by Glenn Wheaton and Controlled Remote Viewers, led by Lyn Buchanan, to begin collecting data on possible Earth changes at 9 selected sites around the planet.

The survey involved two time lines (of many potentials) that are believed to be converging into a single time line around early to mid-2013, and include the probabilistic outcomes of:

1. Impacts from what appear to be large meteors leading to tsunamis and possible volcanism
2. Extensive and forceful flooding of coastal areas
3. Excessive solar radiation
4. Storms and other severe weather

In terms of the effects of these changes on humans, these data also suggest:

1. Massive self-organized relocation from coastal areas (refugees)
2. The breakdown of rescue or other notable governmental functioning
3. The breakdown of the food supply system
4. The breakdown of the vehicular transport system
5. Extensive loss of buildings near coasts

In this interview Courtney explains the assignment, methods, and outcomes of this three year project and the implications based on a criteria that predicated the acceptance of remote viewing by the establishment of mainstream science. Find out why this was a criteria and how it affects both the outcomes and the evolution of human consciousness.

We also discuss the implications of multiple time lines, multi-dimensional human consciousness, and the deterministic nature of both individual and collective human decisions; the effects on human development when governments, universities, large corporate and public service sectors deny the existence and utility of psychic phenomena (even though it is strongly predicted by quantum physics); the elites efforts to prepare for large-scale catastrophic events even while denying the populace such knowledge; and how the future will be impacted science discredits itself. ~Randy Maugans

David Icke | Humanity's Last Stand, October 19, 2012


3MIN News, October 20, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Links: OK Dust Storm
Buoy Event: Google Sidapan Buoy Malaysian and look for recent news.

Rosa Koire | UN Agenda 21 Exposed, October 18, 2012


Tonight we talk to Rosa Koire, author of Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21 about the ideology and people behind Agenda 21. Topics discussed include: What is Agenda 21? What is communitarianism? What is the history of this agenda? How is it being implemented? And what can people do to combat it? ~James Corbett
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David Icke | Limitations of Belief & Awakening, October 18, 2012

Source:,, David Icke Wembley

October 18, 2012-British author David Icke has written 20 books and traveled to over 55 countries since 1990. His books reveal how a hidden hand is behind world-changing events like the attacks of 9/11 and the manufactured wars in the Middle East, as part of a mass mind manipulation technique he has dubbed problem-reaction-solution.

While being controversial and often heavily attacked, David Icke has driven on with his unrelentless investigation into subject areas that others don't dare touch. David returns to give us a peak into his upcoming presentation at Wembley Arena, going deeper down the rabbit hole than anyone’s gone before.

We’ll discuss the limitations of conspiracy research and the need to move beyond the aspects of the 5 senses. David explains how “reflex, action” hinders a truly open mind. Then, he speaks on humanity’s awakening and the crossroads. The hour ends on the death of a showman, Jimmy Saville, a grotesque paedophile, a necrophiliac, a close friend of Prince Philip and one of Britain’s most famous characters. ~Red Ice Creations
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Max Igan | Fear by Smart Control, October 19, 2012


The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater. - Frank Zappa

Richard Dolan | The Breakaway Civilization, October 12, 2012


Is there an advanced breakaway human civilization in touch with ET? Richard Dolan has compelling evidence that, as fantastic as it sounds, this could be true. Richard claims that this civilization has evolved around the alien presence that is here, and it now stands between us and disclosure. He and Dark Skies creator Bryce Zabel have partnered in the creation of a book called After Disclosure, which speculates on why this might be so, and what could be preventing the rest of us from participating. ~Whitley Strieber
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