Susan Lindauer | Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and the Surveillance State, July 23, 2013


Susan Lindauer is a former U.S. intelligence asset and author of the book 'Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act'. Susan is also a regular guest of the Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast - and in this episode, she discusses the recent NSA 'revelations' brought to light by Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, the growing surveillance state, and much more.
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RT | Amid protests Monsanto drops plans to boost GM seeds sales in EU, July 23, 2013


America's genetically modified food giant Monsanto is scrapping plans for new crops in the EU. That's because the safety of its biotech foods has led to protests across Europe and beyond. However, Monsanto said its business in the EU is still strong and growing. RT's Peter Oliver explains.

Related article: "Popular But Dangerous Food Finally Exposed by Mainstream Press"

Geoffrey James | The Enochian Evocation of the Sorcerer John Dee, July 22, 2013

Source:,, Enochian magic

July 22, 2013–Geoffrey James is an amateur historian of western religion. He is best known for his work on the life of John Dee, the court magician of Queen Elizabeth I. He is the author of eight books, including "The Enochian Evocation of Dr. John Dee" and his latest novel "Scorcerer," based on the diaries of Dr. Dee and Edward Kelley.

Geoffrey is a graduate of the University of California, where he was a Rhodes Scholarship Candidate and elected Phi Beta Kappa. James' writing has appeared in Wired, Men's Health, The New York Times and several fiction anthologies. In this program we travel into the Enochian world and outline the methods and experiences that Kelley and Queen Elizabeth's court magician, astrologer and alchemist, Dr. Dee, had back in the fifteen hundreds.

We'll discuss The Enochian Evocation of John Dee and the translation of the original material received from direct Angelic contact. These beings desired to re-establish the true art of magic, which had been lost. Dee believed this research would greatly benefit mankind and documented all of the channeled information into a series of manuscripts and workbooks. Geoffrey presents the core of the channeled material framed in a historical context.
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John Lenard Walson | UFO at Goodwood Air Display, July 22, 2013

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

Who Funded Hitler? | Questions For Corbett #008, July 22, 2013


In this edition of the ongoing Questions For Corbett podcast series, James answers your questions on weather manipulation, cyber attacks, water wars, biometrics, Hitler, online anonymity and more.

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RT | Depleted uranium used by US forces blamed for birth defects and cancer in Iraq, July 22, 2013


More than a decade after US led forces invaded Iraq - there is a legacy of horrific birth defects. Scientists blame the weapons used by the US military. Fallujah is the best known example, the number affected there is 14 times higher than in Hiroshima after an atomic bomb was dropped on it in the Second World War. But RT's Lucy Kafanov was the first to take an in-depth look at the lesser-known extent of the human suffering in Najaf. Read the full article at:

3MIN News | NZ Quake, Star Collision, Delta Spot, July 21, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Larken Rose | Violence of the State & The "Terrorists" Rebellion, July 19, 2013


July 19, 2013–Larken Rose is known for debunking the most dangerous superstition, government. He is a Voluntaryist/Anarchist and a tax protester, as well as an author of several books. Larken promotes the concepts of self-ownership and a voluntary society, writing articles, giving talks and making videos available at

In this program we’ll discuss government violence, human violence and what "the rule of the jungle" really means. Larken explains that the most violent and immoral people ascend to politics and to positions of power. Also, we talk about the movie "The Purge," a propaganda hit piece on anarchism and about the unrealistic fantasy of what would happen in society, if for one day, there were no laws.
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Tom Campbell | Zeno's Paradoxes Solved by MBT Science Model


If you accept that this is a probabilistic digital reality as Tom Campbell has derived in his My Big TOE scientific model, then many paradoxes of science and philosophy are simply solved.

Zeno was a fifth century Greek philosopher known for his paradoxes, some of which are discussed here with reference to digital reality and quantum mechanics.

In a radio interview in 2009, Tom was asked by a listener "Einstein's equation is E=Mc2. What would your equation be? " He answered, R=I (he explains this is more of an identity than an equation).

The steps current science needs to take toward understanding the nature of reality are: 1. R=I (Reality equals information.) 2. I=VR (Information derives our Virtual Reality) 3. VR=C (Consciousness is the self aware information system wherein the VRs computations are made)

Having unified physics and metaphysics with My Big TOE (it has to be big to cover the known and unknown), Tom's statement within the context of this discussion that "there is no distance" supports the often asked questions such as why does distance healing work, how does telepathy work, and where do psychics get their information?

Max Igan | Social Programming, July 19, 2013


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - July 19th, 2013

The Corbett Report | The State is Not Great, July 19, 2013



While the so-called "New Atheists" are spending their energies warning of the violence that is justified by religious belief, they miss the most dangerous, the most irrational, and the most pervasive religion on the planet: statism. Modern-day government is a god and statism is a religion that is responsible for 260,000,000 deaths in the last century alone. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we commit the heresy of denying the statist religion and disproving the government god.

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James Horak | Napoleon in the Great Pyramid



Changing History through Time Manipulation
Napoleon, when he was in Egypt in 1798, asked to be left alone for a night in the King's Chamber inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. When he emerged, it was reported that he looked visibly shaken. When an aide asked him if he had witnessed anything mysterious, he replied that he had no comment, and that he never wanted the incident mentioned again - and then orders a cannoneer to fire on the face of the Sphinx.

Years later, when he was on his deathbed, a close friend asked him what really happened in the King's chamber. He was about to tell him and stopped. Then he shook his head and said, "No, what's the use. You'd never believe me." But there is an unsubstantiated story that Napoleon had hinted that he was given some vision of his destiny during his stay in the King's Chamber.

What happened inside the King's Chamber when Napoleon spent the night in the sarcophagus? And can this event account for his change from an ardent supporter of the French Revolution into an egomaniac who crowned himself a cesar?

Please fasten your seat belts, James Horak, again, is taking us far out on the limb and what we are told is also a warning - facilitators of the elite take note, this is for you to listen very closely!

If Napoleon had not been implanted a micro chip, if he would have stayed true to himself, history would have taken a very different course and the world would very likely be a better place.

Related article at: The
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