ISON Cover Up, August 19, 2013

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

We are not being shown the correct images. Until Now.     

The Corbett Report | 5 GMO Myths Busted, August 19, 2013


Every year, a greater and greater percentage of our food supply sources back to genetically modified ingredients. Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, DuPont and the other biotech giants have made GMOs into a multi-billion dollar industry and unsurprisingly have launched one of the largest pr campaigns in the history of the food industry to convince the public that their products are safe, healthy and beneficial. Let's examine five of the main claims of this PR campaign and see how they stack up to reality.
Transcript & Sources

LaRouchePAC | Q3 - War danger from Israel, Egypt, Iran, Syria & Wall St's hysteria over Glass-Steagall, 9/11, August 16, 2013


Question 3 from the August 16, 2013 LaRouchePAC webcast:
Q3 - On the war danger from the intersecting crises in Israel, Egypt, Iran, Syria, and Wall St.'s hysteria over your drive for Glass-Steagall.

Wrecking Water | Russia's Far East hit by biggest floods in 120 years, August 19, 2013


There's no relief in sight for the tens of thousands of people living in Russia's Far East battered by the worst flooding in more than a century. Water levels have already broken a historical record for the region and are expected to reach the peak only by the middle of the week. Around 30 thousand people have already been evacuated by emergency services and authorities say this could be just the beginning. RT's Paul Scott is in the thick of events and talked to some of the victims.
Read more at:

Richard Palmisano | Extreme Paranormal, OffPlanet Radio, August 14, 2013


Join us as we hear gripping tales from the case books of real paranormal investigators: shadow people, entities, hauntings, the most touching -ghost story-...and the most terrifying. The inside view of one of the most experienced researchers in Noth America: Formed in 1979, The Searcher Group is a team of dedicated people who are extremely active in the study of parapsychology and work towards re-enforcing its positive impact on the rich history of our nation, with a specific focus on Ontario, CA. The people and events within our historical past have wonderful stories to share and important lessons to teach us. Through their research and investigations they attempt to gain a glimpse into the human condition, the personal events from those lives past and the mark they have left behind.The Searcher Group provides information on research and investigative methods to individuals and investigative groups around the globe.

Richard Palmisano is the Director of The Searcher Group, a paranormal investigator and theorist, as well as author of several books on the subject matter. Richard has been investigating the paranormal since 1979, and formed two companies which are dedicated to the study and advancement of paranormal research. The Searcher Group being the first and is the backbone of his research. The second company The Canadian Institute of Parapsychology is community based and provides education and public assistance. Richard has written several books on the subject and his work has been featured in television shows such as Northern Mysteries and Discovery Channel's 'A Haunting-.Richard has worked in law enforcement, security and surveillance for over 30 years and is a trained investigator.

James Horak & Crystal Clark on the Vinny Eastwood, August 16, 2013


Original Description:
Vinny's NUTShell: James Horak
When you read his entire bio from his website, you realise James Horak has an unusual background; in fact you could say he's had an unusual life!

But in recent years James has become known for his revealing the true nature of the strange objects that people have been seeing in many NASA/ESA/SOHO images of the corona of the Sun. He calls these objects EMVs, which stands for Electro-Magnetic-Vehicles. James also talks about Sun Control, The Solar Anvil and Humanities Call, and today we're going to find out from him exactly what he means by all these things.

Crystal Clark &
An author who is passionate about Sacred Science. We'll ask Crystal to explain exactly WHAT Sacred Science is shortly. But her personal goal is to help humanity realize its full potential in meaningful ways that not only expand awareness of the other choices that genuinely uphold, regenerate, and recreate life (of which there are many), but also to rebuild the bridge between the mind and the heart; the mystical and material, so that the peaceful and abundant paradise we all long for can finally manifest here, in, around, and through, us. -The Vinny Eastwood Show

Catherine Austin Fitts | Economy and Culture, imagining the reinvention of everything, Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference, 2012 Holland


Catherine Austin Fitts at the Breakthrough Energy Movement conference, 2012 Holland.

Title: Economy and Culture, imagining the reinvention of everything
Political governance on Earth organizes around control and management of energy. If we introduce new energy technology, we change the politics and economics of every place and every activity. What do this mean to who governs? If energy is abundant, how will we share the wealth while still valuing scare resources, such as water and land? What will the impact be on our values and how we spend our time? Breakthrough energy technology is more than new technology. It is part of the reinvention of everything. How a transitioning from an economy based on scarcity and competition to an economy based on abundance and cooperation by implementation of breakthrough energy can benefit us all.  

Catherine Austin Fitts is the Founder and President of Solari. She served as Managing Director and Member of the Board of Directors of the Wall Street investment bank, Dillon, Read & Co., Inc. She also served as Assistant Secretary of Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner at HUD in the first Bush Administration and was the President and Founder of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc. Catherine has a BA from the University of Pennsylvania, an MBA from the Wharton School, and studied Chinese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Catherine serves on the board of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee and publishes a column, Mapping the Real Deal, in Scoop Media in New Zealand.

Max Igan | You Are The Resistance, August 16, 2013


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - August 16th, 2013

The Corbett Report | ...But What About The Roads?, August 16, 2013


It is the last refuge of a statist who is losing an argument: "...but what about the roads?" This is supposed to be the strongest argument for why we need a centralized authority with a monopoly right to initiate violence, but in fact it is one of the strongest arguments for how anarchy can (and does) work. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore some of the surprising evidence showing how anarchy can bring peace to our roads...and our society.
>Show Notes & MP3

NSA Violated Surveillance Rules Thousands of Times, Intercepted All 202 Area Code Calls By Accident, August 16, 2013


The Washington Post has revealed the National Security Agency has broken privacy rules or overstepped its legal authority thousands of times each year since Congress granted the agency broad new powers in 2008. According to an NSA audit from May 2012 leaked by Edward Snowden, there were 2,776 incidents in the preceding 12 months of unauthorized collection, storage, access to or distribution of legally protected communications.

In one case, the NSA intercepted a "large number" of calls placed from Washington when a programming error confused the U.S. area code 202 for 20, the international dialing code for Egypt. The audit only counted violations committed at the NSA's Fort Meade headquarters and other facilities in the Washington area. We speak to Alex Abdo of the American Civil Liberties Union.

In Memoriam Kevin Smith † 14 Aug 2013 - with Jerry Wills


The Great Kevin Smith has passed away. Kevin Smith, the best paranormal radio talk show host has left a gaping hole in the alternative media and the hearts and minds of all who loved him.

Jerry Wills hosted the 'In Memory of Kevin Smith Show', in memory of our dear friend Kevin.

Many of Kevin's, friends and listeners called in to recall their memories of him. Made all the worse as he passed away on his birthday. Yet again our thoughts go out to his family, especially his wife and son.

Kevin never wanted people to 'stand and weep' once he was gone, that being left a huge gaping hole in many peoples lives and hearts and it's going to take a while to get over the shock of not hearing your voice every night. Thanks from all of us for putting on this show under such tight timescales.

Kevin @ "Castle Kevinstein" Studio

Richard Dolan | ET Disclosure, What It Means For Humanity, August 14, 2013


One of the most well-known names in modern ufology, being perhaps the world's leading researcher and historian of the UFO subject. He is the author of two information-packed volumes of UFO history - UFOs and the National Security State (volumes one and two), as well as an analysis of the future in a book called A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact. He is a regular guest on Coast-to-Coast AM radio, and he's appeared on many television specials for The History Channel, SyFy, BBC, and elsewhere.
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