Lynne McTaggart | What Doctors Don't Tell You, Sanitas Radio, | Part 1 of 2


With the current medical model being so pharmaceutically centered doctors are pretty much reduced to delivering drugs to the patient and have to work within a very tight strait jacket which is determined by randomized control trials -- RCT's. They're no longer allowed to be healers outside of that.

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a sweetener that has revolutionized the processed food and drink industry - but a new study has found that it may be a bigger source of mercury than fish.
Supposed symptoms of old age could actually be down to drug side effects. They're causing unsteadiness, falls, and forgetfulness, to name a few, may not be just a sign of old age. A lot of these symptoms are being caused by prescription drugs.

The British Medical Association reported last year that only 13% of conventional treatments actually work. The American Medical Association released the figure some years ago that the third leading cause of death is correctly prescribed prescription drugs. Or shouldn't we say, incorrectly prescribed. It is obvious that modern medicine is not working too well.

Who goes to the doctor today will be examined in a totally different way than 30 years ago. Apparently, we are now suffering all kinds of strange new epidemics, like too much stomach acid, high cholesterol, depression and hyperactivity.

DIA Secrecy on UFOs - John Maynard, Defense Intelligence Agency / Disclosure Project Testimony Archive


John Maynard was a military intelligence analyst for the Defense Intelligence Agency. In the course of his 21 years career he saw evidence of the military's interest in UFOs in a variety of ways: Electronic communications which did not originate from earth; military photos of UFOs. While at the DIA, he became familiar with the compartmentalization process of maintaining secrecy. He saw spy plane photos with clear UFOs in them.

The Nike Ajax UFO Crash - Harland Bentley, US Army / Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Archive


Mr. Bentley has been involved in working on classified projects with several Government agencies including NASA and the DOE. He has a BS-EE degree and extensive training in nuclear engineering.

Mr. Bentley recounts a story of personally witnessing a UFO crash at a Nike Ajax Missile Facility in Maryland and viewing a group of UFO's on radar take off at a calculated 17,000 miles an hour after having hovered on the ground. He also speaks of a 1967/68 incident where he overheard a conversation between Houston Control and astronauts in flight talk about avoiding a collision with a UFO spacecraft and our astronauts actually seeing living beings moving about through portals on the UFO.

Joseph P. Farrell & Scott D. de Hart | Alchemical Transhumanism: Grimoire Technology & The New Man, December 2, 2013


December 2, 2013–Scott D. de Hart has spent the last 20 years as a writer, teacher, professor, and researcher. He has dedicated much of the last two decades of his life as a college professor and is also an author, and high school English teacher.

Joseph P. Farrell has a B.A. in Biblical Studies and Philosophy, an M.A. in Historical and Theological Studies, and a Ph.D. in Patristics. He is the author of many books in the field of alternative research.

Scott and Joseph will discuss their co-authored book, Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas. We'll hear about how the transhumanist agenda is rooted in old esoteric occult traditions that aim to reunify the fallen, broken man into the ultimate being. Joseph and Scott explain the primordial drive behind technology. Also, Scott ties in various works of fiction that reveal messages of alchemical transformation.

Then, we'll discuss the creation of a new unified man through technology. In the transhumanist's world there will be no place for the individual and humanity is taken out of the equation.
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Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, December 2, 2013


This is a summary of news headlines from the United States and around the world as reported by Democracy Now! on Monday, December 2, 2013.

Carol & Don Croft | Orgone Energy and Transmutation, December 2, 2013


The late Dr. Wilhelm Reich -- an Austrian psychoanalyst, inventor, pioneer, and the author of several influential books and essays -- discovered orgone energy and coined the term "orgone" in 1939. He is best-known for his controversial book The Function of the Orgasm. Wilhelm Reich's discoveries so confounded the powers that be that they illegally jailed him. His books were burned to prevent his knowledge and its potential applications from reaching the public.

But good things always resurface. Although people or agencies may stand in the way, good cannot be stopped. It's Rainmaking Time!® is committed to bringing our listeners useful tools and solutions to enable them to accomplish the things that are most important to them.

Years ago, It's Rainmaking Time!® interviewed Trevor James Constable and learned how he used orgone energy to create rain, disperse clouds, and eliminate smog. As 2013 comes to an end, we've invited husband-and-wife team Carol and Don Croft to the show. They are the founders of the Etheric Warriors forum and World Without Parasites.

Carol (a gifted psychic) and Don Croft are working to relieve the physical misery caused by massive technological growth and abuse. Carol and her husband Don make beautiful orgone energy products for all occasions and environments. Their mission is to use orgone energy to transmute toxic land and sea environments into thriving ecosystems where all living things can enjoy good health and prosperity.

In this segment, Carol and Don Croft discuss their book The Life Etheric and explain why dolphins and whales follow them when they travel near water. We also talk about aerosol spraying, microwave towers, and advanced technologies on land and under the sea. These challenging subjects demand deep exploration to understand how to improve conditions for all life on Earth. Whether or not you agree with the science and paradigm of orgone energy, this segment is worth a listen.
-Kim Greenhouse
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Britain's Best Alien Contact Case - Real UFO Flying Saucer Landing Aliens Kingley Vale Sussex UK



Get ready for a thought-provoking journey: This extraordinarily rare and highly unusual documentary, covers the evidence of an elderly Alien Contactee and his friend: Both are psychic/healers and who have, in recent years, privately videoed and photographed some incredible Close Encounters between themselves and Other-Worldly Beings - all carried out in secret, remote locations, at the entities request.

Contained here is 1 hour and 15 minutes-worth of factual account, location footage, videos and images that have never been seen in public before - revealing The Visitors, (as we call them), aliens which are completely unlike anything that Hollywood has ever portrayed.

These are creatures who may originate from a far distant planet or from alternative folds of reality: Here are a few suggestions: We could be dealing with Extraterrestrials (off-planet), or Interterrestrials (from other realities/dimensions that coexist separately alongside our own), or Ultraterrestrials (from hidden parts of our Earth - subterranean realms for example); they may even come from another Universe that is Parallel with our own - we simply don't know for sure and can only make an educated guess.

Examine these secretive, powerful, majestic beings, close-up, and see what they REALLY look like, which may not be quite as one would expect; observe their craft in flight - and even get glimpses inside their weird ship/s - then make your own mind up about it all.

Some amazing, puzzling and often beautiful images indeed, particularly from a landing which happened in Kingley Vale forest, West Sussex, UK, in December of 2011, (a location to which the witnesses were telepathically compelled to travel for this, the ultimate UFO and Alien Encounter!), and permitted to capture some Vital Evidence for final presentation to the world.

This entire case has been thoroughly researched by two groups of specialists - and is, in the opinion of the expert involveds, absolutely, totally genuine.

The authorities who have validated the witness' evidence, include forensic photo analysts from BEAMS - The British Earth & Aerial Mysteries Society and MUFON - The Mutual UFO Network.

So, finally the day has come; here we have proof that the world has been waiting for - but how many will believe, or WANT to believe, the unusual, never seen before, photographic and video data presented here; strange visual recordings which tell a challenging story of where perhaps, not everything is sweetness and light concerning the alien theme.

What can be learned from this documentary may challenge the previously held views of many individuals: For example - how many would be willing to even entertain the possibility that these creatures, (which sometimes appear to be closer to Spirits than Spacemen in their appearance), may be descendents of THE 'Gods' of numerous religions - or even what may be termed as Alien Scientists - who seeded mankind on Earth in the first instance?

Judy Byington | Jenny Hill: The Story of a Ritual Abuse Survivor, November 29, 2013


November 29, 2013–Judy Byington is a therapist, author and mental health supervisor and the founder and leader of Trauma Research Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information through CEU accredited seminars and lectures on Dissociation and coordinating ritual abuse survivor group, therapeutic and legal resources. She also works as a consultant on satanic crime with the Utah Attorney General’s office. Judy has interviewed hundreds of ritual abuse survivors and continues to pen books about survivors like Jenny Hill who suffer repressed childhood memories of forced participation in rape, torture and murder.

She joins us to discuss her book, Twenty-Two Faces, the story of a survivor-intended-victim of a human sacrificial ceremony, Jenny Hill. Judy details Jenny’s story of alleged satanic ritual abuse and her consequent dissociative identity disorder. We’ll talk about mind control, programming of alters and similar ritual abuse survivor accounts.
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BFP Roundtable - Pilot Episode, November 30, 2013


Peter B. Collins, Sibel Edmonds and James Corbett of present the latest BFP series, the BFP Roundtable. In this pilot edition of the series the panel discusses the latest "reporting" on Guantanamo by 60 Minutes, the truth about the Iranian nuclear deal, and the importance of open source journalism. Stay tuned to for future editions of this series.

Sources cited:
How Many Secret Files Did Snowden Get?
Processing Distortion: "Lara Logan Isn't the Only Problem at 60 Minutes"
Talking Turkey & The Possible Machiavellian Angle in the Latest Developments on Iran
Open Source Journalism

Secret Structures on the Moon - Sgt. Karl Wolfe, US Air Force / Disclosure Project Testimony Archive


Karl Wolfe was in the Air Force for 4 and a half years beginning in January 1964. He had a top secret crypto clearance and worked with the tactical air command at Langley AFB in Virginia. While working at a NSA facility he was shown photographs taken by the Lunar Orbiter of the moon that showed detailed artificial structures. These photos were taken prior to the Apollo landing in 1969.

The NASA Conspiracy - Donna Hare, NASA contractor / Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Archive


Donna Hare had a secret clearance while working for NASA contractor, Philco Ford. She testifies that she was shown a photo of a picture with a distinct UFO. Her colleague explained that it was his job to airbrush such evidence of UFOs out of photographs before they were released to the public. She also heard information from other Johnson Space Center employees that some astronauts had seen extraterrestrial craft and that when some of them wanted to speak out about this, they were threatened.

Brazil's UFO Files - Your Need to Know, November 29, 2013

Source: Open Minds Production youtube

The government of Brazil has openly acknowledged the topic since the 1950's and has released a number of UFO files from their investigations. From 1969 up until 1972 Brazil had an official UFO research organization called The System for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (SIOANI). It'd investigation were open to the public, and they would often work with civilian UFO researchers. However, when the US closed their UFO investigation program, Project Blue Book, the Brazilians soon followed their lead and closed SOIANI in 1972. Source:

In September 1977, something amazing appears in the night sky over the Brazilian island of Colares in the Amazon delta--a luminous object hovering about 15 feet over the water. For nearly two months, strange flying objects visit the island--some big, some small, saucer-shaped, cigar-shaped, some luminous and some not.

Witnesses report they felt as if blood had been sucked from them by the strange rays. More than 30 residents suffer puncture wounds or burns after their encounters. Two islanders reportedly die from their injuries. The Brazilian Air Force sends a task force to the island for three months and it returns with 300 night photos and several motion picture reels.

Though a 500-page report is compiled, along with a catalogue of the sightings, maps, and interview transcripts, it's kept from the public. Then, in May 2005, a few of the details are released, but many questions go unanswered. In this unique hour, we examine these mysterious happenings in depth.
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