The Truthseeker | Media 'staged' Syria chem attack, March 23, 2014


BBC 'total fabrication from beginning to end' of Syria 'atrocity'; call to revoke visas for intel agents posing as reporters in NATO targets; CIA caught infiltrating CNN, and Operation Mockingbird is back.

Seek truth from facts with UK Member of Parliament George Galloway; Illinois University Professor of International Law Francis Boyle; investigative reporter John Helmer; ordinary Syrians; and Ukraine covergirl 'Julia'.

Full Transcript

Mark Weber | Extremist Watch Groups, Culture Clash & Germanophobia | Hour 1 | March 21, 2014

Source:,, The Mark Weber Report

March 21, 2014–Mark Weber is an American historian, author, lecturer and current affairs analyst with a specialized knowledge of US foreign policy, international relations, the Second World War, and, more broadly, of twentieth-century European and American history.

Weber is also director of the Institute for Historical Review, an independent, public interest research and publishing center in southern California. In 1988 Weber testified for five days in Toronto District Court as a recognized expert on Germany's wartime Jewish policy and the Holocaust issue.

In the first hour, Mark talks about a known terrorist group - the Jewish Defense League – who for 3 months impacted IHR's finances by shutting down the Institute's processing of credit card orders and donations. Behind the shutdown was Dov Hikind.

We'll discuss the monopoly and blatant double standards of Jewish organizations such as the JDL, ADL and SPLC. Then, Mark talks about the dangers of applying morality to politics, used to justify war and takeover. Weber also speaks about current ethnic and culture clashes, although we're being told these are just superficial constructs.

download hour 1 mp3

Jay Weidner on Stanley Kubrick's Fake Moon Landing footage


Clip from March 13, 2014 - guest Jay Weidner on the Jeff Rense Program.

Exporting Chaos: 'West spent $5 billion destabilizing Ukraine', March 22, 2014


Despite previously supporting the self-determination of some nations, the US continues to dismiss Crimea's choice to reunite with Russia. Washington is standing by its newfound allies in Kiev - after helping propel them to power. And as RT's Anastasia Churkina reports, Ukraine's not the first country to go through selective US -backed regime change. Read More at:

New World Next Week | Sunstein Publishes Conspiracy Book, March 20, 2014


Story #1: 'Most Transparent' White House Ever Rewrote FOIA to Suppress Sensitive Docs
Wikipedia: Sunshine Week
'Everywhere You Look, There's Conspiracy Afoot' by Cass Sunstein
Cass (Cognitive Infiltration) Sunstein Working on New Book About 'Conspiracy Theories'
Federal Reserve Is Not a Conspiracy: Sunstein
Cass Sunstein's Conspiracy-Related AMA on Reddit
Half Of Americans Believe In Medical Conspiracy Theories
Oregon Sen. Wyden Says CIA 'Embedded In A Culture Of Misinformation'

Story #2: First Reporter to Write Story on LA Earthquake Wasn't a Person
A Fundamental Way Newspaper Sites Need to Change

Story #3: Scientists' Hidden Links to GMO Food Giants
Speed Up GM Crops in UK, Say Scientists; Dismissing Opponents' Arguments as 'Neurosis'
PDF: Letter Advising the Prime Minister on the Risks and Benefits of GM Technologies
Rothamsted Scientist's Role in Destruction of Key GM Research
Interview With Pere Puigdomènech on Creating Artificial Diversity
The Infanticide Advocate Promoting Golden Rice
Bugs Have Already Evolved Immunity to GMO Corn
South Africa Forces Monsanto to Withdrawal 'Unsubstantiated Advertising

Updates: Australia PM Says Satellite Imagery Found Objects Possibly Related to #MH370
How to Steal an Airplane: From 9/11 to #MH370
Another Banker Jumps Off Building in NYC, 12th Banker Suicide This Year
How Cold War-Hungry Neocons Stage Managed Liz Wahl's Resignation
#NewWorldNextWeek: @GJSalisbury UK Nuclear Power Station Taken Offline Over Fears of Fukushima-Style Disaster
Revealed: The MoD's Secret Cyberwarfare Programme

Peter Christ | The Case Against The War On Drugs | Veritas Radio | Segment 1


Founded on March 16, 2002, LEAP is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization made up of current and former members of the law enforcement and criminal justice communities who are speaking out about the failures of our existing drug policies. Those policies have failed, and continue to fail, to effectively address the problems of drug abuse, especially the problems of juvenile drug use, the problems of addiction, and the problems of crime caused by the existence of a criminal black market in drugs.

Although those who speak publicly for LEAP are people from the law enforcement and criminal justice communities, a large number of our supporting members do not have such experience. You don't have to have law enforcement experience to join us.

By continuing to fight the so-called "War on Drugs," the US government has worsened these problems of society instead of alleviating them. A system of regulation and control of these substances (by the government, replacing the current system of control by the black market) would be a less harmful, less costly, more ethical, and more effective public policy.

Please consider joining us and helping us to achieve our goals: 1) to educate the public, the media and policy makers about the failure of current policies, and 2) to restore the public's respect for police, which has been greatly diminished by law enforcement's involvement in enforcing drug prohibition.

Sofia Smallstorm | Chemtrails & Pseudo-Life | Hour 1 | March 19, 2014


March 19, 2014–Sofia Smallstorm is known for her research on 9/11, which culminated in the documentary 9/11 Mysteries. She is also known for her research on the connection between chemtrails and synthetic biology.

With Sofia, we’ll explore a different angle of engineering popularly called "futurism." Synthetic biology is the new frontier of science, combining genetics, robotics and nano-technology with artificial intelligence, hybridizing natural forms and engineering tissues beyond our wildest dreams. What is the deep agenda behind this science? Sofia talks about the presence of Morgellons disease in humans, which illustrates what nanotechnology is capable of.

She also elaborates on the scope of planetary engineering and how much of planetary life it includes. We’ll hear about radiation biology and bacteria by the name of deinococcus radiodurans that may be important to transhumanists in the near future.

download hour 1 mp3

Fukushima Fallout: Sick U.S. Sailors Sue TEPCO After Exposure to Radiation 30x Above Normal, March 19, 2014


Three years after the triple meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, scores of U.S. sailors and Marines are suing the plant's operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, for allegedly misleading the Navy about the level of radioactive contamination.

Many of the service members who provided humanitarian relief during the disaster have experienced devastating health ailments since returning from Japan, ranging from leukemia to blindness to infertility to birth defects.

We are joined by three guests: Lieutenant Steve Simmons, a U.S. Navy sailor who served on board the USS Ronald Reagan joined in the class-action lawsuit against TEPCO after suffering health problems; Charles Bonner, an attorney for the sailors; and Kyle Cleveland, sociology professor and associate director of the Institute for Contemporary Asian Studies at Temple University's Japan campus in Tokyo. Cleveland recently published transcripts of the Navy's phone conversations about Fukushima that took place at the time of the disaster, which suggest commanders were also aware of the risk faced by sailors on the USS Ronald Reagan.

The Eyeopener Report | How to Steal an Airplane: From 9/11 to MH370, March 19, 2014


Now that the MSM is flirting with the idea of "cyber hijacking" in the increasingly desperate search for MH370, many are left wondering how long the possibility of a remote control hijack has been possible and why the public hasn't been warned of this threat. Join us for this week's Eyeopener report as we examine the cyber hijacking issue and its connections to 9/11. -James Corbett 

Transcript & Sources

Catherine Austin Fitts discusses the Networked World, March 19, 2014


Yellen will lead her first assembly of the Fed's policy making committee. Erin sees the immediate challenge confronting Yellen as overhauling the Fed's forward guidance for short-term interest rates. She gives you the details.

Our guest today is Catherine Austin Fitts, the publisher of the Solari Report. She talks our changing economic world and how individuals can stay abreast of the changes.

Jeff Rense & Gerald Celente | Psychopaths, Sociopaths & War, March 13, 2014


Clip from March 13, 2014 - guest Gerald Celente on the Jeff Rense Program.

Race with Time Episode 10 | Lets stop repeating History - Coneheads Truth and JFK Assassination Truth revealed, March 14, 2014


It has now become clear that we are plagued by justice being so poorly served by the whitewash the Warren Commission served up to the American people. As a turning point in the history of this nation no other sticks out so painfully. Can we finally get it right and restore the rule of law and order to a system so grossly in need of it? In doing so, hope that this communicates to an encroaching federal government that has abandoned our checks and balances system and obedience to oaths of office? We can no longer afford to put off finding out. I need to correct my mistakingly mentioning Norman Mailer as the ex-husband in question of Marilyn Monroe's. I should have said Arthur Miller instead.
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