Jon Rappoport | Reality Constructs and Dynamics of the Matrix | Feb. 23, 2016


Alexis interviews investigative journalist and alternative researcher Jon Rappoport about the inner workings of outer reality often referred to as "The Matrix."

The Corbett Report | How To Get Free Food (And Other P2P Solutions) | Feb. 22, 2016


As we've discussed before, the peer-to-peer economy is emerging in surprising and empowering ways, with sites like connecting people to local food sources in ways never before possible. But as the eye of Sauron (aka JP Morgan) alights on this new phenomenon, it's important that we take stock of the P2P economy before it is co-opted and corrupted. Join James for a new open source investigation into the P2P platforms that are helping to connect communities and empower individuals across the globe.

Nassim Haramein | New Physics Solutions


Nassim Haramein was born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1962. As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already discovering the universal dynamics of matter and energy, which led him on a journey toward pioneering a new approach to quantum gravity and continual developments in unified field theory.

He grew up in Eastern Canada with an innate reverence for the design of nature and a determination to discover the basic building-blocks of creation. Nassim dedicated most of his time to his independent investigation into physics, geometry, chemistry, biology, consciousness, archeology, and various world religions.

Haramein’s dedication to scientific exploration combined with his keen observation of the behavior of nature led him to a specific geometric pattern which is at the core of his approach and new perspective in unified field theory.

James Perloff | Lucifer's Council on Foreign Relations | Freeman TV


When the activities at Bohemian Grove become blase to those in the know and remains unbelievable to the masses, our world will be thrown into chaos.

Tom Campbell | Atlanta 2016 Workshop | Playlist | Feb. 6, 2016


Tom Campbell is a physicist and consciousness researcher who is the author of the My Big TOE trilogy.

This short introduction to Tom Campbell and his work is designed to enable you to easily share this information with others by sending a link to those whom you feel would be interested in his My Big TOE theory, but don’t have the time to watch full length videos.

Atlanta Workshop 2016 | Binaural Beats
This is the first part of Tom's Atlanta workshop The Next Step for MBT, which will be divided into four segments from the morning session and two from the afternoon question and answer session.
The first subject is the binaural beats Tom created for his program at The Monroe Institute. In this segment, Tom explains how they were created, how to use and experiment with them, and how to achieve your best results.

John McAfee | "I'll Unlock San Bernardino Phone! Apple Shouldn't Give In To The FBI! | Richie Allen Show | Feb. 18, 2016


Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 18, 2016


F William Engdahl has a fascinating new analysis out about the geopolitics of the Middle East; listen, and add in some usual high octane speculation...

Article: Washington’s Machiavellian Game in Syria

William Engdahl | What’s really Going on With Oil? | Feb. 2, 2016

Source: Jay Taylor Media,

William Engdahl explains why most of the reasons given for oil prices collapsing really are the Wall Street elite setting us up for an explosive turn upward.

Yale Professor Wendell Wallach | Killer Robots, Smart Technology & The Need For Oversight | Feb. 16, 2016


Dr. Richard Alan Miller | Planet X(s) | Feet to the Fire Radio

Source: Feet to the Fire Radio,

Dr. RAM has been following the recent release of info on various large bodies being discovered in our solar system. He asked a friend (at JPL) to look into some thingsand has a loose mathematical theory on calculating the closest approach based on the shape and length of the orbits.

Also, in light of last weeks show with Terra on The Black Star, I will get Richard's take on the various Planet X's floating around the Internet. -Feet to the Fire Radio

Sofia Smallstorm | How We Consent To Our Own Enslavement By Contract | Feb. 15, 2016


Brien Foerster | The Inca Found, Did Not Build Machu Picchu! | Feb. 15, 2016


Though claimed by many that Machu Pic'chu was created exclusively by the great Inca culture, this video will show that they in fact found a far older megalithic city, and then built there. -Brien Foerster
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