Newsbud | China Watch with Peter Lee | The Four-War Problem: The Trump Administration Tips Its Hand in Asia | Feb. 8, 2017

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

Secretary of Defense James Mattis made an inaugural swing through Asia to reassure allies and inform the world about the intentions of the Trump administration—and offer some clarity to anxious America-watchers in Beijing. This week China Watch looks at major East Asian flashpoints—the South China Sea, East China Sea, North Korea--and the big cloud on the horizon: the coming confrontation with Iran.

Show Notes:
Steve Bannon ‘we’re going to war in the South China Sea…no doubt
Mattis says no need for dramatic U.S. military moves in the South China Sea
Rex Tillerson Moves Up Date for China War!
Ex-US envoy plotting Duterte fall - source
US would side with Japan in clash over Diaoyus, says Pentagon chief
The Dance of the Five Powers on the Korean Peninsula
Clinton’s plan on North Korea: Tougher sanctions, pressure on China
Hand delivered letter to President-elect Trump, the need to revise Iran policy
Can President-Elect Trump “Dismantle” the JCPOA?—It’s Complicated
Treasury Sanctions Supporters of Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
The Hidden Message for China in Trump’s Iran Sanctions
2015 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics
Hate Is As American As Apple Pie: So Is Trump

Newsbud | The Geopolitical Report with Kurt Nimmo | How the Left Killed the Anti War Movement | Feb. 6, 2017

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

Once the home of the anti-war movement, under Barack Obama the Left advocated a continuation of war and mass murder by using the political expediency of humanitarian interventionism. In this episode of The Geopolitical report, we unpack how establishment Democrats have continued the wars begun by President George W. Bush and expanded them into Syria and Yemen through illegal proxy wars and an ongoing and intensified drone campaign across the Middle East. Now that Donald Trump is president and the wars continue, the antiwar movement will emerge from the shadows and reveal its hypocritical political coloration.

Show Notes:
Democrats Share the Blame for Tragedy of Iraq War
Democrats Are Now the Aggressive War Party
Humanitarian Intervention
Libya: From Africa’s Richest State Under Gaddafi, to Failed State After NATO Intervention
The strange death of the antiwar movement
The Gatekeepers of the So-Called Left

Tom Campbell with Dr. John Filo | The Really Big Picture | Feb. 7, 2017


Physicist, consciousness researcher, author of the My Big TOE trilogy and international lecturer Thomas Campbell, describes the nature of our larger reality, provides a complete theory of consciousness, and explains our purpose and connection to that larger reality.

Along the way, Campbell derives a more fundamental science that directly answers the most pressing problems and paradoxes of modern physics.

“My intent is to set your mind free to find truth, not to pile on another layer of belief on top of what you already have, or replace one of your current beliefs with a new one. Freedom – spiritual, emotional, and intellectual freedom – provides the necessary environment for learning. Open minded skepticism is the primary tool you will need to maintain a free mind capable of significant evolutionary progress”
– Thomas Campbell

Nomi Prins on The Corbett Report | The Past, Present and Future of Goldman Sachs | Feb. 6, 2017


Of all the investment banks on Wall Street, Goldman Sachs enjoys the most incestuous relationship with Washington, where it has a revolving door at the Treasury Department. As a former managing director at the firm, Nomi Prins is uniquely situated to discuss that relationship and what makes the revolving door so insidious. She joins us today to outline the firm's past and explore its future with her latest article, "On The Goldmanization Of President Trump."

Show Notes:
All The Presidents’ Bankers
Nomi Prins On The Goldmanization Of President Trump

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The Corbett Report | How Trump Filled The Swamp | Feb. 3, 2017


With promises to "drain the swamp!" still ringing in our ears, we have watched Trump appoint nothing but Goldman banksters, Soros stooges, neocon war hawks and police state zealots to head his cabinet. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we examine the swamp-dwellers with which Trump has filled his swamp.

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Dr. Joseph Farrell | Politics of the Culture War | Freeman TV | Feb. 4, 2017


What social engineering will Lady Gaga perform at the Super Bowl? This is Freeman's prediction...Transgender, Transhumanist Phoenix Rising Ceremony.

Is the Transhumanist Agenda inevitable? Is there a reason art has become mediocre? Can we create enough beauty to sway the public from a Technocratic Culture?

What is going on in Antarctica!? On October 1, 1946, the verdicts of two top Nazi war criminals tried at Nuremberg, Hermann Wilhelm Goering and Rudolf Hess, was announced. They visited Antarctica. Admiral Byrd flew into the Inner Earth in Antarctica. The Patriarch Kirill of Moscow was there a year ago. Skull and Bones member and Secretary of State, John Kerry, made a surprise trip to Antarctica during Trump's election. And, the Freemason that established Freemason Tranquility Lodge 2000 on the moon, Buzz Aldrin, fell ill after his trip to Antarctica.

"Brother Aldrin carried with him SPECIAL DEPUTATION of then Grand Master J. Guy Smith, constituting and appointing Brother Aldrin as Special Deputy of the Grand Master, granting unto him full power in the premises to represent the Grand Master as such and authorize him to claim Masonic Territorial Jurisdiction for The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, on The Moon, and directed that he make due return of his acts. Brother Aldrin certified that the SPECIAL DEPUTATION was carried by him to the Moon on July 20, 1969."

Tranquility Lodge 2000 is based in Texas under auspices of The Grand Lodge of Texas until such time as the Lodge may hold its meetings on the Moon. Their meetings are held quarterly at various cities in Texas, with the annual meeting being held in Waco each July.

Here are some other things that probably shouldn't have been sent distant planets...Like The Day the Earth Stood Still!

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell is a meticulous and brilliantly gifted researcher and prolific author. He holds a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford; dealing with the doctrines of early Christian theologians, and has also published four previous works concerning theology. Joseph pursues his other loves and hobbies: classical music (he is an organist, plays the harpsichord, and composes classical music), physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff".

Nick Duffell | Trauma, Abandonment and Privilege | Legalise Freedom Radio | Feb. 4, 2017 

Source:,,, The Making of Them documentary

Nick Duffell discusses his book Trauma, Abandonment and Privilege – A Guide to Therapeutic Work with Boarding School Survivors.

The book uses the term ‘survivors’ because the effect on adults of being sent away to board in childhood and the problems associated with boarding, although downplayed and even denied, can be emotionally and psychologically devastating. Survivors often describe their time at boarding school and its aftermath using terms such as neglect, betrayal, grief, rage, abuse, confusion, sadness, helplessness, loneliness, and anger.

From predominantly upper and upper middle class families, achievements in boarder’s professional lives – in business, politics, or some combination thereof – marginalize and all too often destroy their personal lives, particularly their intimate relationships. These effects can also be passed on from generation to generation. The result is a distant, dysfunctional elite boasting a constellation of achievements and accolades, generally handed down by an entrenched establishment of their predecessors and peers drawn from the same self-perpetuating pool.

To the rest of society they can appear arrogant, emotionally-detached, cold and calculating, and yet with a sense of entitlement born of egos both overblown and brittle. Unfortunately, they often end up in positions of power and influence where their psycho-dramas can manifest in attitudes, actions, practices, and policies which have profound, far-reaching effects on the lives of others. However lofty their titles and positions, at heart they’re frightened little children who never grew up. Until we fully understand the trauma and abandonment, and see the so-called privilege as it really is – a life of resentment, frustration, and emptiness – we will fail to truly face the source of so many profound problems. -,

Thomas Campbell | The Good Intentions Show


Ready to have an Out Of Body Experience? Well listen to retired NASA Physicist Thomas Campbell share his scientific experience with OBEs as well as his thoughts on the Flat Earth Theory.

New World Next Week | Hotel Hacked by Bitcoin Bandits | Feb. 2, 2017


Story #1: Speculation Grows Assad "Suffered A Stroke" As Syria Slams Trump's "Safe Zone" Proposal
Obama Killed 16-Year-Old American In Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.

Story #2: Austrian Hotel’s Keycards Repeatedly Hacked, Forced To Pay Bitcoin Ransom
Update: Bitcoin Hotel Hack Victim Speaks Out
Flashback: The Hacker Who Cracked Four Million Hotel Rooms (Nov. 28, 2012)
NBA 2K Game Wins Right to Store Your Biometrics
NYC Plans New Facial Recognition Cameras At Bridges, Tunnels (& Here's How To Dodge Them)
Secret Rules Make It Pretty Easy For The FBI To Spy On Journalists
Reporters' Spy Saga Gives Glimpse of UK Surveillance Culture

Story #3: Introducing Pig-Human Embryos For “Lab Grown Organs”
PDF: “Interspecies Chimerism with Mammalian Pluripotent Stem Cells”
When They Took Away Your Incandescent Lightbulbs, They Didn’t Tell You The Alternatives Would Ruin Your Eyes

#GoodNewsNextWeek: And The Hits Just Keep On Comin'

Jeff Rense And Jon Rappoport | The Final Crossroads | Feb. 1, 2017


Clip from February 01, 2017 - guest Jon Rappoport on the Jeff Rense Program.

Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, Ph.D. | More Encounters with Star People: Urban American Indians Tell Their Story | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Prof. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke returns with more UFO stories of American Indians who live off the reservation. One intriguing difference between the two groups: there were more cases of physical evidence presented to back up the testimony of urban American Indians.

As with her first book. We discuss not only their encounters, but the recounting itself becomes part of the story. A professor emeritus at Montana State University, the author reveals herself as part UFO investigator, part journalist, part therapist, and part friend.

Max Igan | "Trump Overruling The Courts On The Travel Ban Might Be A Coup d'etat Against The People." | Richie Allen Show, | Feb. 1, 2017


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