George Knapp | The Mysterious Zimbabwe School UFO Landing


On September 16th, 1994, at the Ariel primary school in Zimbabwe, over 60 school children described seeing a disc-shaped craft land behind the school. Some of them reported observing two strange beings near the object. One appeared to approach the group. They said the figures were about 4 feet tall and were wearing what looked like “divers' suits.” The children were interviewed immediately thereafter by Tim Leach, BBC Bureau Chief for Zimbabwe, and later, Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack. After an exhaustive investigation, Dr. Mack concluded that the children were not making up the story. Filmmaker Randall Nickerson is developing a new documentary using original BBC footage of the children. In the first half, he joined George Knapp to discuss the event and the details he has uncovered.

Since that time, many more witnesses have come forward with other stories of UFO sightings in the area occurring within a day or so. Nickerson tracked down many of the original witnesses (now adults) through social media. He says they all reported that the experience was “something that never left them.” A few of the children who were standing closest to the alien-looking figure said that it telepathically communicated a message of environmental urgency about the Earth. He says the experience of working on the film has made him realize that there is much to be discovered and that “we don’t have it all figured out.”

David Livingstone | The Chao Before The Ordo | Freeman TV


Zionism, Nazism, radical terrorists factions, and where each fits into this highly controversial picture is not the job of ultracrepidarians; giving opinions and advice on matters outside of their knowledge. The creation of Sabbatai Zevi's messiahship by the Rosicrucians and the connection of the Protocols of Zion to the Memphis-Mizraim rite of Freemasonry is known by few. Who are the "THEY"? Is there an Illuminati causing terrorism and present day conflicts? Are they interconnected, related and fueling each other, thus propelling the world towards a clash of ideologies?

The Black Madonna, Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and the Orient; legends, myths and elite bloodlines, when analyzed independently appear insignificant and are easily ignored. However, when the dots are connected, a very different picture comes into focus. According to like-minded individuals, keeping these connections broken and the lines blurred, has allowed these secret societies and their members to operate in the shadows of a meticulously cultivated public image.

While many dismiss the idea of secret societies and a one world government as mere conspiracy theories run amok, many others would argue that is part of the plan. Thinking outside the box has always been a trait of forward thinking individuals and societies. Analyzing the ridiculous or outlandish has resulted in numerous discoveries and inventions that in retrospect have shaped communities, academics, governments and the world as a whole and their creators are given the highest, most prestigious recognition.

David Livingstone has been researching the hidden aspects of history for the last 25 years, resulting in the writing of three books. David's approach to history is to dare to consider those areas often dismissed by scholars as the subject of cranks, but to investigate these matters with the utmost scholarly rigor. The results are works that expose many neglected areas of history, but resist the temptation to hasty generalizations, and therefore offer a more sober penetrating treatments.

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Richard Dolan | UFOs over U.S. Nukes: The Astonishing Events of 1975 | Apr. 30, 2019


At a time when the term UFO is currently being defanged into mere UAP, it's important to remember that the U.S. military has not only been baffled and outclassed by unknown objects for generations, but has actively engaged these objects when they have invaded sensitive military airspace, including sites containing nuclear weapons. UFOs aren't a "what if they're out there" problem. They constitute a reality that is beyond the control of any authority we can identify on Earth.

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next?

John Greenewald, Jr. | Navy UFO Reporting Guidelines | The Black Vault Radio | Apr. 29, 2019


Recent statements by the U.S. Navy elude to new UFO reporting guidelines being implemented. Based on reports by military pilots in recent years, “unidentified aircraft” are causing security concern and aviation hazards that need to be addressed. Join me, as I connect the phrasing used by the Navy going back 66 years… And I’ll explore Air Force regulations already on the books that outline the very same thing. What does this all mean?

S0 News | Galactic Field Era, Plasma Bursts, Big Storms | Apr. 30, 2019


Stephen Bassett | Is Disclosure Close or Is Deep State Stopping it? | Apr. 29, 2019


S0 News | Coronal Hole, Recurrent Nova, Magnetic Dust | Apr. 29,2019


Dark Journalist & John Greenewald | To The Stars AATIP CIA UFO Disclosure: Elizondo & Delonge! | Apr. 27, 2019



Join Dark Journalist and his Special Guest Author and Researcher John Greenewald from The Black Vault as they unravel the tangled web of the To The Stars Academy (TTSA) Narrative. They clearly demonstrate the contradictions, inconsistencies and outright falsehoods in the story told by TTSA’s Founder Luis Elizondo about the Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program referred to as AATIP. Greenewald has even constructed a detailed Timeline of statements and quotes by TTSA Founders and demonstrates that their official story about AATIP and its relation to UFOs is a convoluted mess.

They also look closely at the heavy presence of CIA Officials involved in TTSA and how it appears to be an operation aimed at managing the UFO Narrative to maintain the Government’s Wall of Secrecy on the Controversial UFO File.

The Black Vault is the largest privately run online repository of declassified government documents anywhere in the world. With more than 2 MILLION pages of documents to read, on nearly every government secret imaginable.

Link to John Greenewald's AATIP Timeline

Human Resources | Social Engineering in the 20th Century (Full Length Documentary)


A viscerally overpowering film and at the same time a thoughtful meditation on the human condition.” Walter A. Davis
Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University

Brilliant…Riveting…The amount of material the filmmaker covers and unifies is astounding…Human Resources diagnoses the 20th century.” Stephen Soldz
Professor, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis; President, Psychologists for Social Responsibility

"Powerful…Must See…It will leave you Spellbound.
Andrew Goliszek
Author, In the Name of Science: A History of Secret Programs, Medical Research, and Human Experimentation

An important work…terrifiying in its implications….Human Resources is a must see for those of us who still take democracy seriously.” Bruce E. Levine
Author Commonsense Rebellion: Taking Back Your Life from Drugs, Shrinks, Corporations, and a World Gone Crazy

It scared the shit out of me…A powerful and methodical dissection of the dominant culture.”
Derrick Jensen
Author, Endgame

A masterful examination of the mechanization of human existence…It is a rare occasion when watching a film can help open not only our eyes, but our minds.
Andrew Marshall
Centre for Research on Globalization

A Masterpiece. Unless you weep, you may be damaged by this film. Viewer discretion, and love, advised."
David Ker Thomson
Professor, Language and Thinking Program at Bard College

"Scott Noble's work is a pioneering development in documentary filmmaking in its content, documentary technique, and even distribution method. Watch his stuff, use it, and build on it."
Chris Simpson
Professor, School of Communication, American University

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Apr. 25, 2019


Well, as I predicted about ten years ago, Germany is now pushing for a restructuring of the UN security council, and wants a permanent seat in that body...

Germany Wants Nuclear Bombers

Ryan Patrick Burns | Skinwalker Ranch, Paranormal Portals, & The Wolverine | Apr. 25, 2019


Today’s guest left a recent comment on the THC Plus website that read, “If you’re interested in an NDA free Skinwalker Ranch episode, hit me up.” Well, hit him up I did.

It turns out Ryan has quite an interesting life, as he uprooted everything a few years ago to live closer to what they call Skinwalker Ranch and carry out his own investigations of rural Utah. He’s since had a Pandora’s Box full of paranormal experiences, has written 2 books, and had spent time picking the brains of bright minds tasked with demystifying this paranormal hot spot. Now he shares it all with THC, so grab a spot around the digital campfire.

Read about Ryan’s experiences and research more in depth in his books, Skinwalker and Beyond & The Utah UFO Ranch.

John & Bonnie Mitchell | Mnemonic Circles, TV Mind Control, & How to Free Yourself | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Together, John and Bonnie Mitchell run, an anthology of videos meant to awaken unity consciousness and bring Truth to light. In 2013, John and Bonnie revealed a new, high-tech form of subconscious mind control and digital dark magic on television and mass media involving deep programming and demonic possession. This technology is now being used against all people who watch television, mainstream movies, play video games, use cell phones and computers. This is the culmination of the illuminatis mind control and behavioral research programs; the easiest way to hypnotize and program a human beings subconscious mind.

It combines electromagnetic pulsing, manipulation of sound and light frequencies, hypnotic trance induction, brainwave entrainment, and dark sigil magic. This tool is being used to keep the majority of people in a constant trance state, rewrite memories, control behavior, and insert demonic energy. TV viewers are being used as batteries to manifest the dark, fear-based reality the illuminati desire Their initial 2013 documentary on this mind control technology is called Global Epidemic Exposed – Television Sigil Magik. Their 2015 documentary created for the Free Your Mind Conference 3 is entitled Mnemonic Mind Control“ Who Owns Your Thoughts?

Bonnie Jean Mitchell is a life-long contactee who has interacted with multidimensional beings since she was a young child. She has experienced beneficial contact as well as alien abduction and military abduction. She did her first interview with the Edgar Cayce Foundation in 1993 and has been helping contactees and abductees ever since. In the year 2000, she graduated from The College of William & Mary and began working on her first book, Invitation to the Self-journey with the star people, published in 2005.

Her website,, is a supportive environment for contactees and abductees. John Mitchell, with a background in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Merchant Marines, traveled to the infamous Area 51, Nevada and filmed dozens of daytime UFOs in 2006. His experience included five hours of missing time and the filming of two UFOs leaving the scene of his abduction. These events began John's research which has revealed connections to both the enslavement and the freeing of mankind. John wishes to enlighten others to Truth to help expand their consciousness. Together, John and Bonnie run, an anthology of videos meant to awaken unity consciousness and bring Truth to light.
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