Joseph Farrell | The Watered Down History of the Nephilim, Fallen Angels and Ancient Knowledge | Aug. 24, 2019

Source: Beyond the Forbidden TV,

In this Mind Blowing interview with Dr. Joseph Farrell, we go back in time and try to break through the veil of secrecy that has been used for thousands of years to keep the human race in a state of ignorance. That veil of secrecy is intentional because the Elites and rulers of this world do do not want us to have access to the ancient knowledge that involves the nephilim, giants, human origins, etc...

Why is there a coverup of ancient giant skeletal remains all over the world? Who are the Watchers within the Bible? Is there a Nephilim presence within the ruling class that have been behind many world events throughout history? Was the library of Alexandria and other sites of sacred knowledge destroyed intentionally or confiscated and taken to secret sites such as the Vatican? Do the Elites of this World keep the true ancient knowledge to themselves because they are afraid to lose there power? These are just a few questions and talking points within this interview.
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