A.J. Gevaerd | Brazilian UFOlogist - Mystery Wire Interview | Feb. 26, 2021

Source: mysterywire.com

For more than 40 years, UFO sightings and encounters in Brazil have been investigated by the country’s leading UFOlogist.

The researcher is A.J. Gevaerd. Gevaerd has also been publishing an international UFO journal for more than 40 years and recalls how the Air Force responded to a dramatic increase in UFO sightings years ago.

Some of the sightings were similar to the recent UFO sighting by the crew of an American Airlines jet over New Mexico.

American government officials haven’t had much to say about this near-miss UFO case. But in radio traffic the pilot says an unknown cylindrical object zoomed over their flight Sunday afternoon.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are both said to be investigating.

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