New World Next Week | We Will Not Comply! | Oct. 28, 2021



Story #1: NIH Silently Removes “Gain of Function” from Website After Report Confirms Directors Fauci and Collins Lied to Congress About Funding the Research in China
Archived: Gain-of-Function Research Involving Potential Pandemic Pathogens
Archived 2009: Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response (EPR)
Archived 2021: Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response (EPR)
CDC Changes Definition of "Vaccines" to Fit Covid-19 Vaccine Limitations
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Serology
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Serology, antibodies and immunity
What is the WHO? - Questions For Corbett #066

Story #2: J&J aka LTL Uses Sneaky Bankruptcy Maneuver to Block Lawsuits Over Cancer Claims
Johnson & Johnson Pulls Sale of Talc-Based Baby Powder In North America
Asbestos Found in Baby Powder. You'll Never Guess How J&J Respond!... #PropagandaWatch
Everything Is Super Swell At Johnson & Johnson, Folks! (Just Don't Mention The Baby Powder Cancer)
PRIMO RADICAL #250: Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky: “There’s no liberty that allows you to drive through a red light because you feel like it…” // Also Chomsky: “Military industry has the liberty to bomb foreign countries and use my language-to-code system developed at MIT because Air force generals feel like it.”
Don’t Worry, New Yorkers, That Gas In the Subway Is Only a Test

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