Michael Rectenwald | Woke Capitalism Will Destroy Businesses Not Compliant With Great Reset | Feb. 24, 2022

Source: geopoliticsandempire.com, michaelrectenwald.com

Michael Rectenwald returns to discuss the ESG Index or "woke capitalism" as a selection mechanism or demarcation device to delineate which businesses are onboard with The Great Reset and punish those who are not compliant.

It is effectively a Social Credit System for companies, feeding investments toward the compliant while starving dissident firms, competition, and industries. This sets up the possibility for doing to companies what is being done to individuals in Canada right now, de-banking them and freezing their assets, and is totalitarian in nature. This is global government combines the worst of both systems (capitalism and communism).

We discuss the WEF Young Global Leaders program, the threat posed by the people who don't see "you know" for what it is, resistance, and parallel structures.
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