The Corbett Report | Are Petitions and Protests The Answer? - #SolutionsWatch | Mar. 2, 2022



Given recent events in Canada and the gathering convoys in New Zealand and the US and elsewhere around the world, it's a good time to ask: are petitions and protests and lawsuits the answer to our problems. Long story short: they're not the answer, but they can serve a practical purpose on the way toward the real answer. Short story long? Watch this video.

Show Notes:
Corbett Report Radio 177 - Why James (Probably) Won't Sign Your Petition
Clean Water Oregon history
Fluoride Campaign Reports Huge Cash Haul, Unusual Spending
Portland Defeats Fluoride
Culture Jamming with Extinction Rebellion - #PropagandaWatch
Anonymous hackers pick up litter in Tokyo protest.
How To Rebuttal Mask Exempt Discrimination: Threaten Litigation
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