Linda Moulton Howe | Are hostile E. T.s based deep below Earth oceans and lands? | Apr. 20, 2022


Topics: Are hostile E.T.s based deep below Earth oceans and lands?

New Unclassified FOIA documents reported by Motherboard

- “Newly-Released Documents Shed Light on Government-Funded Research Into Worm Holes, Anti-Gravity and Invisibility Cloaks”
- warp drives, extra dimensions, anti-gravity

Interview with experiencer Adam Burns after hypnotherapy session
- “humans are working off-world with advanced beings”
- “the most malevolent towards us…the reptilians”
- “massive underground bases”
- “some of these ancient aliens want to help us”
- “mantid being…loving and hyper intelligent”
- “humanoid with the head of a snake”
- “our future…we make it…we transcend!”
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