Press For Truth | Wuhan Lab Did GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH On Monkeypox Virus & Belgium Starts COMPULSORY QUARANTINE!!! | May 23, 2022


The same Wuhan lab that carried out the controversial gain of function research on coronaviruses has admitted in a paper that they have also carried out similar research on the Monkeypox virus in an effort to make it more lethal to human beings!

As cases continue to spread, the European Union is calling for mass vaccinations while Belgium has already become the first country to introduce compulsory monkeypox quarantine rules where as of now anyone who tests positive must isolate for 21 days!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest revelation that the current monkeypox virus appears to have been engineered in a lab to be more deadly so that the WHO can enforce a global pandemic treaty that will eventually require lockdowns, quarantines and border closures all over the world.

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