Linda Moulton Howe | Which E.T.s Claim They Are Closest Genetically to Human Descendants? | June 15, 2022


TOPICS: Which E.T.s Claim They Are Closest Genetically to Human Descendants?

US Space Force
- USS Curtis LeMay
- USS Hoyt Vandenberg, “tip of the spear”
- USS Roscoe Hillenkoetter
- Tall Nordics near Sirius A & Sirius B
- Tall White Pales live near 82 G Eridani where numerous earth-like planets reside

Inside US Space Force source details interactions with humans

Linda’s brother Jim Moulton fallen ill, but recovering at home

Highly placed source:
Original greys are very ancient race spanning millions of years
Blonde Nordics are oldest race from Sirius B system
Tall whites or “tall pales” working with us from “Creech Air Force Base” near Las Vegas,
- Working on Security Access Protocols
Hybrid greys

“Our true allies are the tall whites”
“Nordic types claim we humans are their closest descendants”
“..directly related”
“These 3 et species occupy the majority”
“I don’t believe we originated from Earth”
“Alliances exist…Eliminating the Trantalod insect..species”
“AI biological cloned Grey are…abducting humans and other species”
“Temporal technology..used by Trantaloid species”

USS Hoyt Vandenberg stationed in Procyon system
USS Roscoe Hillenkoetter investigating radio signal source
We have had teleportation since 1971
The main purpose of Apollo was to investigate alien sites
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