Andrei Maryanov | Adam Smith With Harpoons | June 17, 2022



Closer Look At Salvo Model and Harpoons

China’s ‘Sky Eye’ FAST Radio Telescope Detects Intriguing Space Signal | June 14, 2022

Source: TheCosmosNews youtube

China detects possible ‘extraterrestrial civilizations;’ state media reports.

Has China’s FAST telescope detected alien intelligence?China’s ‘Sky Eye’ FAST Radio Telescope Detects Intriguing Space Signal There’s chatter on Twitter this afternoon (June 14, 2022) about several new possible artificial signals detected by the 500-meter FAST radio telescope in China. There’s an implication that these might be signals from an alien civilization. 

Global Times (@globaltimesnews) – which describes itself as “China state-affiliated media” – was one source that reported the story. At this time, there is no confirmation for this story. And Chinese scientists note that the suspicious signals might be some kind of radio interference.

FAST is the world’s largest and most sensitive radio telescope. Since 2020, it has been engaged in a program to search for alien life. According to a story published today (June 14) in the Chinese news source YiCai:

… The team discovered two groups of signals from space in 2020 when processing data observed by FAST in 2019. This year, it found another suspicious signal from observing exoplanets.

Jones explained that he got his information from this Chinese source on Twitter. Here is the Chinese tweet (translation via Google translate):

Searching for extraterrestrial civilization, ‘China Sky Eye’ [FAST telescope] found suspicious signals

Original Science and Technology Daily Science and Technology Daily 2022-06-14 02:44 Posted on Beijing Science and Technology Daily reporter He Xinghui

After launching the search for extraterrestrial civilizations, the ‘China Sky Eye’ [FAST] has made important progress. A few days ago, Professor Zhang Tongjie, chief scientist of the China Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Group of the Department of Astronomy and Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Group of Beijing Normal University, revealed that his team used the ‘Chinese Sky Eye’ to discover several cases of possible technological traces and extraterrestrial civilizations from outside the Earth. 

Candidate signal. Zhang Tongjie said that these are several narrow-band electromagnetic signals different from the past, and the team is currently working on further investigation. ‘The search for China Sky Eye is a long one, and we have been working hard.’
Note that Zhang Tongjie also said:

The possibility that the suspicious signal is some kind of radio interference is also very high, and it needs to be further confirmed or ruled out. This may be a long process.

Bottom line: There’s a report from China today (June 14, 2022) about several new possible artificial signals – presumably sign of an alien intelligence – detected by China’s FAST radio telescope.

Andrei Martyanov | Some Very Needed Comparisons | June 15, 2022


Admiral Rickover or how American education was killed.

Linda Moulton Howe | Which E.T.s Claim They Are Closest Genetically to Human Descendants? | June 15, 2022


TOPICS: Which E.T.s Claim They Are Closest Genetically to Human Descendants?

US Space Force
- USS Curtis LeMay
- USS Hoyt Vandenberg, “tip of the spear”
- USS Roscoe Hillenkoetter
- Tall Nordics near Sirius A & Sirius B
- Tall White Pales live near 82 G Eridani where numerous earth-like planets reside

Inside US Space Force source details interactions with humans

Linda’s brother Jim Moulton fallen ill, but recovering at home

Highly placed source:
Original greys are very ancient race spanning millions of years
Blonde Nordics are oldest race from Sirius B system
Tall whites or “tall pales” working with us from “Creech Air Force Base” near Las Vegas,
- Working on Security Access Protocols
Hybrid greys

“Our true allies are the tall whites”
“Nordic types claim we humans are their closest descendants”
“..directly related”
“These 3 et species occupy the majority”
“I don’t believe we originated from Earth”
“Alliances exist…Eliminating the Trantalod insect..species”
“AI biological cloned Grey are…abducting humans and other species”
“Temporal technology..used by Trantaloid species”

USS Hoyt Vandenberg stationed in Procyon system
USS Roscoe Hillenkoetter investigating radio signal source
We have had teleportation since 1971
The main purpose of Apollo was to investigate alien sites

Richard Dolan | USOs The Counter Narrative | June 14, 2022


We live in a world of deceptive narratives coming from the very sources we were once taught to trust. One of those narratives deals with UFOs. Something completely left out of our public discussion of this phenomenon are those objects consistently seen in Earth's bodies of water. Unidentified Submersible Objects (USOs) have been with us for as long as airborne UFOs have. We need to recognize and understand this.

Catherine Austin Fitts | Deep State Global Chessboard The End of Freedom! | Dark Journalist | June 13, 2022


Former Assistant HUD Secretary and Wall Street Dillon Read & Co. Partner Catherine Austin Fitts returns to the Dark Journalist show and reveals how the Central Bankers and the Deep State have implemented a worldwide surveillance and tracking infrastructure to harvest humanity. Faced with rising food shortages, Skyrocketing inflation, Government efforts to silence free speech, and the destruction of culture in the US and abroad, she outlines a potential road back to constitutional principles in governance.

As the ruling class devise a solution to their problems of failed leadership around the globe, the scenario they appear to be working towards is the seizure of total power via an emergency that could be used to usher in Continuity of Government (COG) which appeared as a top item in this year's Bilderberg meeting. With the recent UFO Hearings in Congress they may be planning to fabricate a UFO Threat as the ultimate card to stay in power. Catherine sees this as a time to choose between freedom and tyranny and suggests we have a limited window to restore the US Constitution and Rule of Law.

UFO File
Food Shortages
Black Budget
Digital ID
NSA Surveillance

Max Igan | The Hidden Game of World War 3 | June 13, 2022


Andrei Martyanov | 13 Points | June 13, 2022


Answering "analysts", Adam Kinzinger's proposed legislature, SMO.

Max Igan | Stupidly Demented Adults Syndrome | June 10, 2022


Dark Journalist & Catherine Austin Fitts | Global Governance War For The Future! | June 11, 2022


Former Assistant HUD Secretary and Wall Street Dillon Read & Co. Partner Catherine Austin Fitts returns to the Dark Journalist show and reveals how the Central Bankers and the Deep State have implemented a worldwide surveillance and transaction tracking infrastructure to harvest humanity physically, financially and spiritually. Catherine sees this as a time to choose between freedom and tyranny and suggests we have a limited window to restore the US Constitution and Rule of Law.

Black Budget
Deep State
Digital ID
NSA Surveillance

New World Next Week | Beyond Bilderberg(er)'s Civil War | June 10, 2022



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Bilderberg Group Meets In Secret to Discuss “Disinformation”
Matthew McConaughey Tells The Story Of Those Killed In Uvalde In Emotional, Performative Plea for Action On The Current Thing At Star-Studded White House Press Briefing
Scotiabank Apologizes Over Trucker Convoy Account Freeze
Bilderberg Reconvenes In Person After Two-Year Pandemic Gap
Great to meet with Prime Minister @MarinSanna of our close partner #Finland in Washington. We discussed the need to address #Turkey's concerns & move forward with the #NATO membership application by Finland & Sweden.

Story #2: Primary School Pupils to Be Offered Insects to Eat In 'Alternative Protein' Study
Scientists Hope to Feed Primary School Children Edible Insects to Make the UK Greener
#MorningMonarchy: June 1, 2022
Driven By String of Disappointing Quarterly Results, Beyond Meat Stock Dropped 28% In May
Prince Charles Backs Face Masks for Cows to Help Save the Planet One Burp at a Time

Story #3: Race Card Institute's Alarmist New Poll Finds 44% Of Americans See Civil War
SPLC Poll Finds Substantial Support for ‘Great Replacement’ Theory, Other Hard-Right Ideas
Video: "I Learned It By Watching You!" PSA
The Great Robo-placement? Workplace Robot Orders Jump 40% In First Quarter

Dr. Richard Alan Miller | The Non-Local Mind | October 3, 2021


Author and researcher Richard Alan Miller, PhD reveals a depth of knowledge and experience in alternative agriculture, physics, and metaphysics. Miller began working in the secret world of Navy Intel (Seal Corp. and then MRU) in the late 60s, and now has amazing experiences and conclusions to share. Before many leading edge concepts became trendy topics, Miller was (and is) in the international front lines of research, experimentation and documentation.

Miller has appeared on Coast to Coast, Red Ice Radio, Project Camelot, and numerous other shows, conferences, and workshops. He brings unique commentary to today's events and writes academic and popular articles in science and survival in our rapidly changing world.
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