Walter W. Cruttenden, Joseph Selbie | Ancient Cycles, August 16, 2011


August 16, 2011–Appearing during the second hour, theoretical archaeo-astronomer Walter Cruttenden discussed how our solar system may be tied to another star which has influenced the rise and fall of civilizations. It may be very common for stars to be in binary systems, and if our whole solar system is in orbit around a companion star, "it might explain all this distant folklore about the cycle of the ages," dark and golden periods talked about by over 40 different cultures, he said. Cruttenden spoke about sophisticated technology from the BC era, including some evidence we don't completely understand like the terra preta soil of the Amazon, and the Avebury stone circle.

Author/lecturer Joseph Selbie joined the show in the latter half, for a discussion about the "Cycle of the Yugas," an ancient timeline that describes how we are transitioning from a low energy to a higher energy phase, over a 24,000 year period. It's believed the Yugas are tied to the cycle of precession of the equinoxes, and that "the Earth...becomes exposed to some sort of influence from outside the solar system that causes this rise and fall...The closer we get to the galactic center, the higher the age," he detailed.

According to the theory of the Yugas, around 1700 AD, we entered into a 200 year transition into a new cycle, where humankind became more aware of energy, as well as psychic and intuitive abilities. Selbie also talked about how the Great Pyramid was built during a transition from a mental age to an energy age, and was designed to concentrate and expand consciousness.

Elvis in Life & Death
On the 34th anniversary of Elvis Presley's death, first hour guests, authors Patrick Lacy and R. Gary Patterson talked about the singer's legacy, his downfall, and rumors that he faked his death. While both believe that Elvis did die in 1977, Lacy recounted how a psychiatrist named Dr. Donald Hinton claims he's treated Presley for decades, who's been living in seclusion under the name of Jesse.

Clifford Mahooty | Star Beings & Kachinas, August, 15, 2011


August 15, 2011–Clifford Mahooty is a Zuni elder and member of the Kachina Society. He is now retired after working as a chief engineer for the Department of Interior. Clifford says that Native American elders have a lot of knowledge about “Star Beings” that they choose to keep to themselves. He feels that it is now time that the knowledge be shared with the public. Clifford has recently been featured on cable documentaries including the History channel's Ancient Aliens.
Interview start 0:28:00.

Cherri Foytlin, Gulf Coast Activist and Mother of Six arrested in front of BP Headquarters in New Orleans, August 11, 2011


The Gulf Oil IS NOT GONE!

"The time has come" says Foytlin, "we have exhausted our options, collected the facts, tried negotiation, gone from meeting to meeting. The oil is still here. We are still here, and we will not wait! Take care of my people on the coast!" 

Since last summer, when Foytlin reached out to President Obama (to no avail), she has attended countless town hall meetings, community forums, and has walked from New Orleans to Washington DC in order to be sure federal officials are aware of the unresolved economic, environmental, and health devastation caused by the BP disaster.

Foytlin is one of several dozen Gulf Coast fishermen, BP clean-up workers, residents and community organizers who gathered in front of BP Headquarters in New Orleans to mark the one year anniversary of the date when the White House falsely claimed that 75% of the oil was gone from the Gulf of Mexico. The group demanded BP and Kenneth Feinberg honor health claims and operate a transparent and fair claims process for those impacted financially. Feinberg has denied all health claims and has approved less than 40% of all claims submitted.

Tonight! Hear first hand accounts from locals who are reaching out to fellow Americans to hear their stories and accounts of what is STILL HAPPENING right in our own back yard. What is STILL happening in the Gulf? Find out TONIGHT! ~Hillary Raimo

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Clif High on TMRN, August 12, 2011


Alex Putney | Resonance Changes & Infrasound Standing Waves, August 14, 2011


August 14, 2011–Alex Putney is behind the website He is also the author of "Lightwater", "Phi" and "Veil of Invisibility". Alex, currently in La Maná, Ecuador, is with us to discuss the latest developments related to his theory of infrasound standing waves and the resonance changes that we now, according to Alex, are going though.

We discuss the latest news and anomalies related to this phenomena. We also talk about new angles, perspectives and insight into his research and conclusions. Human Resonance has been organized to share the rediscovery of a superfluid resonance technology of our ancient Sanskrit mother culture, crystallizing the body and synchronizing human consciousness. As we collectively move toward a higher planetary resonance, our growing awareness brings us together in alignment at convergence points of infrasound standing waves. Ancient sacred sites are calling attuned healers into resonance, and we are responding to the call of the sacred waters of La Maná, Ecuador to create a healing space for their ayurvedic use. ~Red Ice Creations
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Max Igan | You Are Free, August 12, 2011


Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - 08/12/11

Catherine Austin Fitts on TMRN, August 6, 2011


Freeman | Obama, Masonic Symbols, and Other Secrets Hidden in Plain Sight, August 12, 2011


Among other things conveyed during this mind-bending and information-rich discussion with radio host, producer and lecturer, FREEMAN, we find out that:

One’s choice of vocation may be genetic memory. Freeman was avidly interested in UFOs and the occult throughout childhood, yet it wasn’t until college age that he stumbled upon the fact that his father was a life-long Freemason who “chased UFOs for Project Bluebook.” And, that his German mother was a “Nazi youth” sent to France and raised by a healer who “practiced witchcraft” under a full moon.

Freeman’s take on what’s coming down the pike and his uncanny predictive abilities are the result of an ability to synthesize seemingly unrelated information. “Predictive programming” is everywhere, he says. A good observer will see evidence of a well-developed plan (leading toward total global control) throughout Hollywood, the media, our government, NASA, education, monetary policy, world politics, and the ubiquitous symbolism of secret societies.

George H.W. Bush is the “emperor of the fallen angels…the beast.” His son, George W. Bush, is a fallen angel. His wife, Barbara Pierce Bush, is likely the daughter of Aleister Crowley, the well-known, ritual-performing, nihilistic cult figure of the last century.

Be forewarned: Like 9/11, October 13th is a significant, recurrent, predictable date for catastrophe as message. So is the 4th of July. “Symbolic gestures” will alert one to the year those dates will be implemented.

The excruciating embarrassment that was the exposure of Bill Clinton’s sexual transgressions with Monica Lewinsky was “psychological warfare,” arranged and carried out to diminish the office of the presidency. It was part of a chain of events meant to dispirit Americans about democracy as a system, and about the effectiveness of voting for anyone at all.

“What they are attempting to do right now is to make America Satan. They are encoding satanic gesture into everything we do.” Witness the humiliating things we see Americans doing on TV. (He mentions Jersey Shore.) “The idea is to turn everyone against America so it can be the next Nazi regime to be taken down, to form this global dictatorship.”

A lot of the truth movement is unwittingly participating in this psychological warfare against America, by propagating material fed to it, engendering a “violent patriotism.” They are being duped by the Illuminati.

Focusing on “the mind games that are going on” is unproductive. “You can’t stop these things; not by protest or political implementation. It’s a spiritual problem, not a political one.”

In this interview you’ll experience all of the above and more of Freeman’s unique take on the world. He also talks about CERN, HAARP, Obama, mind-transfer technology, bombing the moon, Canberra, Pine Gap, the Tree of Life, synchronicity...

Freeman, is the host of Freeman TV, and has been witness to phenomenon that some men only dream of. His natural curiosity necessitated voracious studies of high weirdness which have led him to discover the hidden code behind corporate logos, the secret of ancient astronauts, while finding time to investigate HAARP and chemtrails.

Freeman is an internationally-known award-winning TV producer, film maker, radio talk show, and is considered an expert and has lectured extensively in the fields of the occult, Templar history, secret signs and symbolism of Freemasonry, the ancient astronaut hypothesis, trauma-based mind control, and government cover-ups.

Freeman publicly announced his fears that a false flag event would occur on 9/11, that “W” would be forced into office, the economy would collapse on 10/13 and that the next President of America would have his natural born status questioned.

Dr. Raven Nabulsi & Dr. Steven Greer | Report on the CSETI UK Crop Circle Tour, August 12, 2011


World Puja Network Show - August 12, 2011

- Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer -

"Experiences from Wiltshire, England - July 2011"
- Report on the CSETI UK Crop Circle Tour -
Guest: Dr. Raven Nabulsi

Dr. Greer has taken many groups through the magical crop circles and this year is no exception.

Dr. Greer and Raven Nabulsi will describe the experiences the group had this year in the crop circles themselves, Stonehenge, Woodhenge and field work on a huge tract of private land in crop circle country. Those you have been following the descriptions from the trainings know that in each training there are new and intriguing ways in which the ETs communicate.

Strange Unconventional Flying Object Seen in Night Vision, over Denver Colorado, August 10, 2011

Source: magnetflipper youtube

This is a strange UFO flying over southeast Denver Colorado, on August 10, 2011 I have filmed and recorded this...

This was made by using a Xenonics Corp. "SuperVision" device, they make. 
"Nightvision" device is a digital (star)light amplifier. Its hooked up to a Casio digital camera, that records HD video.

ET Contact and UFO Disclosure - Update, August 10, 2011


Full disclosure concerning UFOs and Extraterrestrial visitation of planet Earth by our nation's elected representatives remains an unfulfilled expectation. Officially flying saucers and space aliens are science fiction nonsense. But has an un-official soft-sell, media campaign of governmental disclosure been actively conditioning the public to the reality of extraterrestrial life for the last fifty years? Have the UFO secrets been hidden in plain sight? Join us as we explore the facts.

Santos Bonacci | Roman Ecclesiastical Law & Sovereignty August 11, 2011


Santos Bonacci lives in Melbourne, Australia and is a professional jazz musician. He also runs the website and teaches classes on Astrotheology. In this first hour, we'll talk about Ecclesiastical law. Santos Bonacci explains how over the past two thousand years the Roman cult/empire has set up a system of ownership of all property and souls that exist on this Earth through their Papal bulls and trusts.

He'll talk about how enslavement and ownership is their business. Then, he tells us about historical myths and fictional characters that have created deception among the masses. Later, we talk about the priesthood, which is essential for this current system, symbology found in court, common law, mind control and the pope. ~Red Ice Creations
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