Back in Time Series | Jay Weidner - The Great Apollo Landing Hoax, July 20, 2009.


Jay Weidner on The Jeff Rense Show. Recorded on July 20th, 2009.

Dr. Peter Glidden | “Killing Us Softly: Vitamins and Other Nutrients, November 21, 2011


November 21, 2011–This episode is an interview with Dr. Peter Glidden, Pt 2, titled “Killing Us Softly: Vitamins and Other Nutrients” and is being released on Monday, Nov. 21, 2011. My interview with Peter was recorded on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011.

An outspoken advocate of Wholistic Health, Dr. Glidden has lectured to thousands of people over the last 2 decades. He delivers over 60 Free Lectures each year, and is a regular speaker at Health Freedom Expo & Youngevity Regional Meetings. He has appeared on TV, is a regular guest host of the “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” Health Talk radio program, and gives free weekly seminars all over Chicagoland. His new book, The MD Emperor Has No Clothes, is an eye-opening, groundbreaking, jaw dropping exposition on the shortcomings of conventional MD directed medicine and the unrivaled excellence of Wholistic medical treatments. ~Jan Irvin,

1987: BS from University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA.
1991: ND from Bastyr University, Seattle WA.
1992: Licensed to practice Naturopathic medicine.
1993 – Present: Private Naturopathic medical practice.
1987 – Present: Member – American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.
2008 – Present: Member – Illinois Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

For more information, go to or

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Cmd Sgt Maj James Norton has passed away


I was informed this evening that Cmd Sgt Maj James Norton has died. Info is sketchy at the moment, but it is this: a few weeks ago he was busted from CSM down to Private and posted to guard duty at a closed base. On Nov 13th he was found unconscious at his post and transported to hospital. He was diagnosed with cancer and Hep C. On Nov 21st he died in ICU. ~Kevin Smith

NSA Pressures Cmd Sgt Maj to Shut Up talking about UFO Battle

Cmd Sgt Maj James Norton tells about being detained and having the NSA tell him to stop talking about a battle in 1977 at Ft Benning between UFOs and the U.S. Army. He says he is now under surveillance.

Command Sgt Maj Reveals Battle with UFOs and Captured Aliens

Graham Hancock Petroglyph & Rock Art tour, Utah


Prehistoric rock art, cave paintings and petroglyphs from all parts of the world show extraordinary similarities and even identical figures -- yet these ancient cultures were often separated by thousands of years of time and thousands of miles of geographical distance and were not in contact with one another.

In this clip from a visit to rock art sites in Utah's canyon country, arranged as part of the October 2010 Reality Sandwich retreat at the Boulder Mountain Guest Ranch, Graham Hancock argues that shamanic altered states of consciousness, often brought on by the use of entheogenic plants, are the most likely answer to the mystery. For a more detailed explanation see Graham's last non-fiction book Supernatural: Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind. His first novel Entangled also delves into this mystery.

Howard Martin | Living By The Heart, November 20, 2011


November 20, 2011–The heart is intelligent; in fact, it is the control tower of the body’s systems and overall health. In this segment, we explore a marvelous solution for balancing heart rhythms, reducing the production of stress hormones, and boosting the immune system with Howard Martin, the co-founder of the Institute of Heartmath and the co-author of The HeartMath Solution.

We delve into cutting-edge scientific heart research and how we can begin applying it to improve the quality of life. We will also discuss simple but powerful techniques for increasing compassion, joy, productivity, and for enhancing the personality’s intuitive aspects. Tune in and discover the intelligence of the heart. ~Kim Greenhouse

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Israel, the IAEA, and the Road to War With Iran, November 21, 2011


This month's release of a new International Atomic Energy Agency report into Iran's nuclear energy program has caused a flurry of diplomatic activity, political posturing, and breathless news headlines about the supposed imminent threat of an alleged Iranian nuclear weapons program.

Given the nature and tenor of the coverage of the IAEA report in the mainstream press, one might be forgiven for believing that the agency has in fact uncovered new signs that Iran has made any concrete steps toward creating a nuclear weapon since it suspended that program in 2003 or that there is any evidence whatsoever that Iran has made any progress in the development of nuclear weapons technology.

In reality, however, the report contains no new information about Iran's alleged attempts to create nuclear weapons, a fact quietly conceded by even the most hawkish opponents of Iran's nuclear program, including former weapons inspector David Albright. ~James Corbett
Transcript & Sources

Philip Coppens | The Ancient Alien Question, November 20, 2011


November 20, 2011–Philip Coppens is an author and investigative journalist, ranging from the world of politics to ancient history and mystery. Since 1995, he has lectured extensively and has appeared in a number of television and DVD documentaries, including the series, "Ancient Aliens" on The History Channel.

In this interview, he will talk about his latest book, The Ancient Alien Question. Are people ready for ET? Philip shares his opinion on the current mass consciousness, the scientific community and what mankind needs to be re-invigorated.

We also discuss visitation from extraterrestrial beings and if these beings guided us into civilization. He says that we have not been alone from the start. Philip talks about how monuments contain evidence of their presence. Also, we talk about Carl Sagan, Terrence McKenna and various forms of extraterrestrial contact. Later we talk about geniuses who might have received their information from non-human intelligence and Philip tells us what he thinks the objective of humanity is. ~Red Ice Creations
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David Icke talks with Luke Rudkowski at Occupy Wall Street, November 17, 2011


David Icke talks with Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change New York at Occupy Wall Street - Excellent Interview.

Rick Osmon | Pre-Columbian Colonization of North America, November 17, 2011


November 17, 2011–Could there be a centuries-long international conspiracy to cover-up the knowledge of ancient visitors to North America? Author Rick Osmon discusses his book "The Graves of the Golden Bear: Ancient Fortresses and Monuments of the Ohio Valley."

Rick was selected for the US Air Force Academy right out of high school. He later attended Vincennes University and earned an Associates of Science in Laser and Electro-Optics Technology. For a number of years, he worked for defense contractors and then took a job with the US Navy as a civilian with an engineering support field activity, specializing in radar, night vision, and laser equipment for surveillance and munitions guidance. But, Rick was also reading everything he could find about the weird and unusual, history, archeology, paleontology, geography, cartography, cryptozoology, cryptography, and hollow earth theory.

Rick has mapped out the different waves of colonization attempts and visitations to North America. Looking at the claims of the Welsh prince Madoc who is said to have brought thousands of colonists to North America centuries before Columbus. ~Red Ice Creations
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David Icke | Thoughts From New York On 'John Wayne America', November 19, 2011


James Horak | Full Range Applications of Binary Weapons Methodology, November 19, 2011

Source:, Information Machine

Full Range Applications of Binary Weapons Methodology

Over my 16 years of experience on the internet, on forums, chat rooms, and the like, I have noticed few people follow threads well, few read closely...much less attempt to appreciate the thoughts of others in full range or ramification. “Small” talk or the sometimes constant chattering we get into, might promote this; but I rather think it is an aspect of the disassociation from media bombardment and how it impacts back on concentration. The best example is how we now, as a rule, have 45 minutes of actual programming on network television and fifteen minutes of intrusive commercials per hour. It is so bad that commercial sponsors have begun “follow-up” commercials right after their initial ones or run-on themed commercials where the message is followed up after the insertion of another by a different sponsor. The aspects of meaning you may be missing in any intense programmed presentation or documentary is broken up; concentration and the possibility of anyone actually getting into the information and/or depiction of events is lessened. We don't know how much. That's an area that has not been explored for the benefit of telling us. But you can bet it has been explored by someone.

This is the milieu in which we now are exposed to much more threatening programs whose harmful intentions can only be described as weapons, even, to some extent, a weaponization of media itself.
Recently I came across a quote attributed to one, Dr. Beau Lotto, “There is no inherent meaning in's what we do with it that matters.” Extremely true in relevance today. I like to say, making the knowledge our own. It would seem to me that this may be integral to, instead of just being an information dilettante, actually incorporating it into associating it with any broader reference. In developing this, we become more likely to expand upon the threatening applications (and potential permutations) of binary weapons and their systems for which they may be part. We begin to realize, for instance, what might be in chemtrails today, just might not be in them tomorrow.

But then, what other examples of binary weapons might we be exposed to other than chemtrails? Let's start where this technology began, the dispensing media of information that we have been entrained from childhood to use, broadcast media. Something for which the illusion-making mechanism of the mind becomes greatly tampered (with.) You acquire the notion that a story is served simply because it has been treated on the five o'clock never be mentioned again. The first stage of this information binary weapon is that you have been prepared or implanted to only actually place significance on stories that are reaffirmed by repetition (being so used to the pattern of commercials and the way they make and break concentration, not to mention subliminals.) How long now has this been going on? Long enough to have moved you into a controllable reality where your range of confidence in what is credible and what is not is controlled by someone else. The weapons aspect of this program is especially successful as long as you don't realize the intentions behind it and still suppose your forthcoming opinions are actually your own.

So now, whether you like it or not, you're set up for what comes next...the second stage of an information binary weapon. What is it? Pathological incredulity. And it makes you impotent to challenge, effectively challenge anything. Now some of you have broken this chain somewhere along
its winding snake apparatus. But some of you, even reading this now, actually haven't.

For those of the latter sort, I'll give the more overt examples of binary weapons systems: in the arsenal of non-lethal weaponry are many binary weapons that don't kill and are more easily sold to the public because of that but are simply prolonging the fatality process, only throwing more pain and agony into the process. Of course, famine and disease, when man-made are examples. But the refinements today are even more illustrative. Chemtrails, for example, destroy your immunity to what's coming next. And that can be non-specific enough that many won't catch on until it is too late. But in the end, it all comes out as genocide. Whether it's such things as fall-out from Fukushima, malnutrition and contaminated food products and drugs, even how the many intrusions into your local environment play into what is put in your water. Let's look at how genocide has been practiced on African regions now for fifty years in order for international corporations to have better means of moving tribal populations off land rich in natural resources. It's not just done by promoting civil war. Medical care givers, mostly all sincere and compassionate, are not given the medicines they need to treat these people adequately so the ill are left to fend for themselves on the black market. There they find these medicines, mostly antibiotics, with original pharmaceutical packaging, right down to lot numbers, and they take them home. Only these supposed “pirated” drugs (and I doubt they are, but “special batches” big pharma makes up for just this monstrous design,) have just enough of the active ingredients to help the pathnogen or viral agent to build immunity...thus almost always lethal. Millions have died from this operational method and use of a binary weapons system. Tens of millions...maybe even hundreds of millions if allowed to continue.

And the rest of us pay since all this, in today's global shuffle, find new and deadlier strains of microbes popping up in our own vicinity, like flesh-eating bacteria. Strains of social diseases for which there is no known cure. This practice in Africa is a cauldron for disease and death elsewhere.

In the area of the unknown lie many dark potentials coming out from experimentation alone, not necessarily intended but that might be even more devastating than if they were. It is science and industry out of control here in order to serve the military contracts that are designed around weaponizing any and everything these critters can imagine. I add this element in here simply because the principle of binary systems is represented even if unintended as a consequence. Mostly because the effects offer even more devastating potential and the whole process of weaponizing is responsible. Shut that down and the threat goes away. After all every treaty in modern times, every agreement of limiting war between nations has meant to stop these excesses. And have not.

James Horak, November 19, 2011

Fernando Vossa | Free Energy, Healing Technology, & Cosmic Awareness, November 18, 2011


Bio Fernando Vossa
Fernando Vossa has been designing technology experiences for over 15 years. His approach is to reach the psyche and heart of his audience using multidisciplinary techniques from Industrial Design, Cognitive Psychology, Virtual Reality, Cinematography, Architecture, Graphic Design, and Fine Art.

His accomplishments include being part of leading edge design teams for major brands such as Microsoft, Sony, US-WEST, GE-Aerospace, and most recently unfolding innovative installation concepts at The Center of Mass Creation. This media pioneer holds degrees in Computer Science, Cognitive Science, and Technology Design from the University of Washington. His passion for Divine technology has let him to discover evolutionary transformations of our energetic body.

His journey is to explore the integration of Free Energy Research, Healing Technologies, and a Cosmic Awareness of our Extra Terrestrial neighbors. Vossa is a member of the Exopolitics movement. His work includes being a media consultant and technology ambassador to the Searl Magnetics Team developing the Searl Effect Generator.
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