Jeremy Scahill on Biden’s “War Against Whistleblowers,” from Daniel Ellsberg to Edward Snowden | Democracy Now! | April 28, 2021


We continue our conversation with The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill, who just published a groundbreaking new project on Joe Biden’s decades-long foreign policy record.

Scahill says that during his years in the U.S. Senate, Biden “almost never meets a war he doesn’t support,” becoming one of the most hawkish figures in Washington in the 1990s and 2000s. Scahill also discusses Biden’s “war against whistleblowers,” from Daniel Ellsberg to Edward Snowden.

Arvid Ystad | The Norse Roots of Freemasonry | Part 1 of 2 | Forum Borealis | April 30, 2021


Today we drop a bombshell: Has Norse religion survived as the 3 basic Freemasonic degrees of the "Blue Lodge"? Curiously, there's evidence to indicate this.

In pt. 2 we reveal the rituals and investigate the essence & symbolism to compare with norse tradition.

In pt. 1 we consider the historic context to see how it is possible. Some questions raised: Did Vikings bring the Rites of Freya, Thor, & Odin to the British isles? Did King Æthelstan purge the pagan mythology replacing it with Judeo-Christian terms? Was the old & new religion in parallel practice up to 1400s? Was Odin a person? Did Heraldic Orders derive from Masonry? AND hear how Vikings used hallucinogenics... -Forum Borealis

Brien Foerster | Deep Underground At The Valley Of The Kings In Egypt | April 29, 2021


Mystery Wire Interview | Brandon Fugal - Owner, Skinwalker Ranch | April 29, 2021


George Knapp talks with Skinwalker Ranch owner Brandon Fugal.
Recorded April 14, 2021

New World Next Week | MI6 Admits to “Green Spying” As Agenda 2030 Noose Tightens | April 30, 2021


Story #1: MI6 ‘Green Spying’ On Biggest Polluters to Ensure Nations Keep Climate Promises
Chief of MI6 Richard Moore Speaks to G&T on Times Radio
Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-Pocalyptic Predictions
Blinken Warns African Countries Against Doing Business With China

Story #2: USPS Running ‘Covert Operations Program’ Monitoring Your Social Media Posts
The CDC Is America’s New Landlord (Sep. 2, 2020)

USPS Chief Said To Cut Post Office Hours, Lengthen Delivery Times In 10-Year Plan
Maxine Waters Requested Police Escort Before Screed Advocating Violence

Story #3: D3 Tech Summit – Opting Out of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Anti-Lockdown Protesters Defy Restrictions In Central London March

Debunking MSM Lies About The ‘Unite For Freedom’ Protests

How to De-Google – #SolutionsWatch

How Do I Find Broken Links? – Questions For Corbett #075

Press For Truth | Censorship on Stereoids: The Truth about BILL C-10 and The Great Canadian Internet Firewall! | April 30, 2021


This ladies and gentlemen is an emergency broadcast! Independent media is currently on the chopping block, the powers that ought not to be are terrified of their ability to reach the minds of millions of people and they’re going into full blown attack mode with Bill-C10! Bill C-10 was introduced in November of 2020 to amend the broadcasting act and to clarify the CRTC’s ability to regulate TV and movie streaming services, such as Netflix.

Previously, the legislation had an exemption for user-generated content, like here at Press For Truth, but last week that exemption was removed by the liberals to include news sites, podcasts, tweets and vlogs! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains how Bill C-10 seeks to censor independent media and control the free flow of information online while also providing a solid solution for how we can all deal with this censorship moving forward!!

Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live | March 30, 2021


Dr. Joel Wallach discusses the benefits of plant derived minerals and answers several questions from the audience.

S0 News | USA Earthquakes, Dusty Wave, Oceanic Changes | April 29, 2021


Linda Moulton Howe | The experiencer blood type connection, hybrids and human survival | April 28, 2021



COVID-19 updates
- Some good news in United States…CDC reports 232M COVID-19 vaccinations to date.
- 54% of Americans over 18 have had at least 1 shot.
- Number of US COVID deaths more than 600,000
- India performing mass cremations as cases rise to more than 300,000 new cases per day
- US lifts pause on use of J&J vaccine
- COVID-19 can cause blood clots and is labelled a “viral thrombotic fever”

- Rh factor is a protein found on the surface
- Rh+ is the most common blood type.
- MUFON survey found that 33% of respondents were RH negative.

MUFON member and experiencer Denise Stoner hypnosis recollection by Kathleen Marden
- “The entities are not showing themselves”
- “they don’t want to frighten us…humans have been misinformed”
- “they are very concerned about our use of nuclear weapons”

S0 News | Electric Earth, Storm Alert, Axion Fail | April 28, 2021


Richard Dolan | Disclosure Scenarios | Pt. 2 of 2 | Forum Borealis | April 27, 2021


In pt. 2 we go deeper, discussing among other:

- Are all special op progs & crash retrievels now in the hands of private corps?
- Why isn't the control total? Why many small revelations?
- Has the drip been forced by TTSA?
- Why so many sceptic to them yet believe Blue Avian fake SSP?
- Is all hate on exposé attempts an op or culture poison?
- What's the intersecting concentric circles of reality?
- What's the 4 big disclosure projects?
- What's the Wilson UFO Leak?
- Who was shown the docs?
- How could civilians deny access to Intel Head for JCOS?
- Has our Space Fleet spent the missing 50 trillions to colonize & enslave other worlds?
+ We moan about the current censoring of indy media.

Part 1
Richard Dolan | Disclosure Scenarios | Pt. 1 of 2 | Forum Borealis | March 14, 2021

James Corbett | What Are Show Notes? - Questions For Corbett | April 28, 2021


So what are show notes and how do I access them? And why should I bother anyway? Join James for this important edition of Questions For Corbett where he explains one of the most important aspects of his work.

Show Notes:

Interview 1632 – James Corbett on Unregistered
CIA mines ‘rich’ content from blogs
Episode 397 – Exposing Biden’s SECRET Plans!!!
How Joe Biden Plans To Make The American Empire Great Again
Interview 1631 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Episode 210 – Hunting the Octopus
Episode 399 – Phew
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